Mac Miller – Mrs. Deborah Downer Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Yeah, nothin’ is impossible (Impossible)
– Ha, nothin ‘ imkonsiz (imkonsiz)
Do this shit together, we unstoppable (Unstoppable)
– Birgalikda bu axlatni, albatta, biz unstoppable (Unstoppable)
Raised to be a leader, not a navigator (Navigator)
– Navigator emas, balki etakchi bo’lish uchun ko’tarilgan (Navigator)
Wrote this down on scraps of paper
– Buni qog’oz parchalariga yozib qo’ying
All roads lead to the same confusion (Same confusion)
– Barcha yo’llar bir xil chalkashlikka olib keladi (bir xil chalkashlik)
I mean, all roads lead to the same conclusions (Same conclusions)
– Aytmoqchimanki, barcha yo’llar bir xil xulosalarga olib keladi (bir xil xulosalar)
Found my body somewhere in the sewer (Sewer)
– Mening tanamni kanalizatsiya (kanalizatsiya)ichida topdim
My girl defined the word “prolific” for me
– Mening qizim men uchun”serhosil” so’zini aniqladi
And I can’t read her mind, she wrote a different story (A different story)
– Va men uning fikrini o’qiy olmayman ,u boshqa hikoya yozdi (boshqa hikoya)
Oh well, redemption is a funny bitch (Funny bitch)
– Xo’sh, qutqarish-bu kulgili kaltak (kulgili kaltak)
The devil always be right where the money is (The money is)
– Pul qaerda shayton har doim to’g’ri bo’lishi (pul)
Somebody gotta be watchin’ you, but no one is (But no one is)
– Kimdir sizni kuzatishi kerak, lekin hech kim yo’q (lekin hech kim yo’q)
It’s kinda crazy life could be this simple (Life could be this simple)
– Bu aqldan ozgan hayot bu oddiy bo’lishi mumkin (hayot bu oddiy bo’lishi mumkin)
Nothing’s coincidence
– Hech narsa tasodif emas
My best friend packed his things, threw ’em in the car
– Mening eng yaxshi do’stim narsalarini yig’di, ularni mashinaga tashladi
I haven’t seen him since (Seen him since)
– Men uni o’shandan beri ko’rmadim (o’shandan beri ko’rgan)
Guess I understand, he always got the chills
– Men tushunaman Guess, u har doim sovuq bor
When he saw a room full of rolled up hundred dollar bills (Hundred dollar bills), yeah
– U o’ralgan yuz dollarlik kupyuralar (yuz dollarlik kupyuralar) bilan to’la xonani ko’rganida, ha

Even pills turn to powder, baby
– Hatto tabletkalar ham kukunga aylanadi, bolam
Said, even pills turn to powder
– Aytishlaricha, hatto tabletkalar ham kukunga aylanadi
The world wanna crush ’em down (Crush ’em down)
– Dunyo ularni ezib tashlamoqchi (ezib tashlamoqchi)
Even pills turn to powder, baby
– Hatto tabletkalar ham kukunga aylanadi, bolam
Can you sit right next to me and crush ’em down? (Crush ’em down)
– Siz mening yonimda o’tirib, ularni ezib tashlay olasizmi? (Ularni pastga tushiring)
If pills can turn to powder
– Agar tabletkalar kukunga aylanishi mumkin bo’lsa
Then this world could turn to ash
– Keyin bu dunyo kulga aylanishi mumkin
Everything seems so slow
– Hammasi juda sekin ko’rinadi
But my past, I thought that it would last longer
– Ammo mening o’tmishim, bu uzoq davom etadi deb o’yladim
I just thought that, thought that, thought that
– Men shunchaki o’yladim, o’yladim, o’yladim
This feelin’, this feelin’ would last longer, yeah
– Bu tuyg’u’, bu tuyg’u’ uzoqroq davom etadi, ha

Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh, ooh

– Ha
Yeah, somebody gave me a treasure map
– Ha, kimdir menga xazina xaritasini berdi
Nowhere on that motherfucker say where the X is at
– X da qaerda, deb motherfucker hech bir joyda, deb aytish
And I don’t wanna see the whole world through a telecast
– Va men butun dunyoni teletranslyatsiya orqali ko’rishni xohlamayman
Been waitin’ my whole life, I finally thought I should tell you that, yeah
– Butun hayotimdan voz kechdim, nihoyat buni sizga aytishim kerak deb o’yladim, ha
Started smokin’ weed again, started tryna read again
– Yana tutun o’tini boshladi, tryna yana o’qishni boshladi
Clean myself up, now would you be my friend?
– O’zimni tozalang, endi siz mening do’stim bo’larmidingiz?
Do I need to know the beginning to see the end?
– Oxirini ko’rish uchun boshini bilishim kerakmi?
What’s the difference ‘tween the truth and things that we pretend?
– Haqiqat va biz da’vo qiladigan narsalarning farqi nimada?
I lie awake faded, watch the days go by
– Men hushyor yotaman, kunlar o’tishini tomosha qiling
And only at the lows do I chase that high
– Va faqat pastda men bu balandni ta’qib qilaman
Fear God, stay humble
– Xudodan qo’rqing, kamtar bo’ling
Original sin, we all come from the same struggle
– Asl gunoh, biz hammamiz bir xil kurashdan kelib chiqamiz

What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz
And you left out on your own?
– Va siz o’zingiz qoldirdingizmi?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz
And you left out in the cold? Woah
– Va siz sovuqda qoldirdingizmi? Voh
Can I get four Norcos, two Oxys, two Roxys, three methadone
– Men to’rt Norcos olishingiz mumkin, ikki Oxys, ikki Roxys, uch metadon
Couple Percocets, some heroin, two Xanax bars and six-ounces of that lean?
– Juft Perkocets, ba’zi geroin, ikki Xanax barlar va oriq olti-untsiya?
Thank you—do when the money comin’ slow?
– Rahmat-pul sekinlashganda qiling?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow? (Slow)
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz? (Sekin)
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow? (Slow)
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz? (Sekin)
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow?
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz?
What ya gonna do when the money comin’ slow? (Slow)
– Pul sekinlashganda nima qilasiz? (Sekin)
Woah-oh, woah-oh
– Voh-oh, voh-oh
What ya gonna do?
– Ya gonna nima?

Mac Miller



