Morgan Wallen – Just In Case Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



I ain’t sayin’ that I always sleep alone
– Men har doim yolg’iz uxlayman deb aytmayman
I ain’t sayin’ that I ain’t met no one else
– Men boshqa hech kimni uchratmadim deb aytmayman
Done a little bit of midnight movin’ on
– Midnight movin’ on bir oz amalga
And I ain’t sayin’ when I do that it don’t help
– Va men buni qilganimda aytmayman, bu yordam bermaydi
Leave with someone, I don’t know her name
– Biror kishi bilan keting, men uning ismini bilmayman
Pull her real close, but I leave some space
– Uning haqiqiy yaqinini torting, lekin men bo’sh joy qoldiraman
And I could forget you, girl, for good
– Va men seni unutishim mumkin edi, qiz, yaxshilikka
Even though I should
– Garchi kerak bo’lsa ham

I never let my heart go all the way
– Men hech qachon yuragimni oxirigacha qo’yib yubormayman
Every time I try, I just hit the brakes
– Har safar harakat qilsam, shunchaki tormozni bosaman
And there’s always a couple tryna take your place
– Va har doim er-xotin bor tryna sizning o’rningizni egallaydi
But I never fall in love, baby, just in case
– Lekin men hech qachon sevib qolmayman, bolam, ehtimol
You wake me up wantin’ me out of the blue
– Siz meni ko’kdan uyg’otasiz
You lay down needin’ what I used to do
– Siz yotdingiz nima qilishim kerak
Yeah, every now and then, I go get a taste
– Ha, har doim va keyin, men ta’mga boraman
But I never fall in love, baby, just in case
– Lekin men hech qachon sevib qolmayman, bolam, ehtimol
Just in case
– Faqat holda

I always take it to the edge, then I back it up
– Men uni har doim chetiga olib boraman, keyin zaxira qilaman
They don’t know I got a reason for actin’ up
– Ular mening harakat qilishimga sabab borligini bilishmaydi
I ain’t felt a damn thing, baby, after us
– Men la’nati narsani his qilmayapman, bolam, bizdan keyin
Yeah, I’m just hopin’ you’ll come back to us
– Ha, men shunchaki umid qilaman siz bizga qaytib kelasiz
That’s wishful thinkin’, baby, honestly
– Bu orzu qilingan o’ylamoq’, bolam, rostini aytsam
But I know you ain’t forgotten me
– Lekin bilaman, siz meni unutmaysiz

So I never let my heart go all the way
– Shunday qilib, men hech qachon yuragimni butunlay qo’yib yubormayman
Every time I try, I just hit the brakes
– Har safar harakat qilsam, shunchaki tormozni bosaman
And there’s always a couple tryna take your place
– Va har doim er-xotin bor tryna sizning o’rningizni egallaydi
But I never fall in love, baby, just in case
– Lekin men hech qachon sevib qolmayman, bolam, ehtimol
You wake up wantin’ me out of the blue
– Siz meni ko’kdan uyg’otasiz
You lay down needin’ what I used to do
– Siz yotdingiz nima qilishim kerak
Yeah, every now and then, I go get a taste
– Ha, har doim va keyin, men ta’mga boraman
But I never fall in love, baby, just in case
– Lekin men hech qachon sevib qolmayman, bolam, ehtimol
Just in case
– Faqat holda

Leave with someone, I don’t know her name
– Biror kishi bilan keting, men uning ismini bilmayman
Pull her real close, but I leave some space
– Uning haqiqiy yaqinini torting, lekin men bo’sh joy qoldiraman
Yeah, I could have three words on my tongue
– Ha, tilimda uchta so’z bo’lishi mumkin edi
But I won’t ever say ’em
– Lekin men hech qachon aytmayman

‘Cause I never let my heart go all the way
– – Chunki men hech qachon yuragimni oxirigacha qo’yib yubormayman
Every time I try, I just hit the brakes
– Har safar harakat qilsam, shunchaki tormozni bosaman
And there’s always a couple tryna take your place
– Va har doim er-xotin bor tryna sizning o’rningizni egallaydi
But I never fall in love, baby, just in case
– Lekin men hech qachon sevib qolmayman, bolam, ehtimol
You wake up wantin’ me out of the blue
– Siz meni ko’kdan uyg’otasiz
You lay down needin’ what I used to do
– Siz yotdingiz nima qilishim kerak
Yeah, every now and then, I go get a taste
– Ha, har doim va keyin, men ta’mga boraman
But I never fall in love, baby, just in case
– Lekin men hech qachon sevib qolmayman, bolam, ehtimol
Just in case
– Faqat holda

Morgan Wallen



