Uh, uh-uh, uh, uh
– Uh, uh-uh, uh, uh
Oh, do you do this often?
– Oh, buni tez-tez qilasizmi?
I know it sound wrong, like, everything I left in Maryland
– Men u noto’g’ri ovoz bilaman, kabi, hamma narsa, men Merilend tark
I just don’t wanna see myself anymore, I don’t
– Men endi o’zimni ko’rishni xohlamayman, ko’rmayapman
They, like, they say they miss me and shit, shut up, for real, like, man
– Ular, masalan, ular meni sog’inishlarini aytishadi va shit, yoping, haqiqatan ham, odam kabi
Look, ‘kay
– Qarang, ‘ kay
DJ, run it back, play my song in this bitch
– DJ, uni qaytarib ishga tushirish, bu kaltak mening qo’shiqni ijro
Vibin’ like I’m alone in this bitch, mm
– Vibin’ men bu kaltakda yolg’izman, mm
Tit for tat, I got your back, was I wrong for that shit?
– Tat uchun Tit, men sizning orqangizni oldim, bu axlat uchun xato qildimmi?
Tell me, is we too grown for that shit? Uh
– Ayting-chi, biz bu axlat uchun juda kattamizmi? Uh
I wanna lock it in, baby, no weighin’ my options
– Men uni qulflamoqchiman, bolam, mening variantlarim yo’q
Wanna travel, see the world, gettin’ drunk on an island
– Sayohat qilishni, dunyoni ko’rishni, orolda mast bo’lishni xohlayman
Wanna settle, start a family, so tell me about it
– Hal qilmoqchiman, oila qurmoqchiman, shuning uchun bu haqda menga ayting
And you so perfect, baby, don’t give nobody that body (Okay)
– Va siz juda mukammalsiz, bolam, hech kimga bu tanani bermang (yaxshi)
Social anxiety, I fear
– Ijtimoiy tashvish, qo’rqaman
And I done been this way for some years
– Va men bir necha yillar davomida shunday qildim
I don’t really get along with my peers
– Men tengdoshlarim bilan til topisha olmayman
Everything that they do to me is weird
– Ular menga qilgan hamma narsa g’alati
So in a world full of weirdos, fools, and scrubs
– Shunday qilib, g’alati, ahmoq va skrablarga to’la dunyoda
Tell me, what is it you’re willin’ to do for love?
– Ayting-chi, sevgi uchun nima qilishni xohlaysiz?
You know it’s true that the datin’ pool is fucked
– Datin hovuzining becerdin ekanligi haqiqat ekanligini bilasiz
Ain’t nobody out here, baby, it just be us
– Bu erda hech kim yo’q, bolam, bu biz bo’lamiz
And I know, and I know, and I know, and I know a broken heart when I see one
– Va bilaman, bilaman, bilaman va bilaman, va men bir ko’rganimda singan yurakni bilaman
And I feel, and I feel, and I feel, and I feel like I love you more
– Va men his qilaman, his qilaman va his qilaman va sizni ko’proq sevishimni his qilaman
Did you know? Do you know? Did you know? Do you know I’m a shoulder if you need one?
– Bilasizmi? Bilasizmi? Bilasizmi? Agar sizga kerak bo’lsa, men elkam ekanligimni bilasizmi?
When I feel what I feel, keep it real, what’s the deal? I’m ready for
– Men his nima his qachon, real uni ushlab qolish, shartnoma nima? Men tayyorman
Oh, somewhere we could be alone, you and me alone
– Oh, qaerdadir biz yolg’iz qolishimiz mumkin edi, siz va men yolg’izmiz
I remember bein’ twenty-one when my life had just begun
– Hayotim endigina boshlanganida yigirma bir yoshni eslayman
Twenty-two, many things to see and do
– Yigirma ikki, ko’rish va qilish kerak bo’lgan ko’p narsalar
Twenty-three, lookin’ forward to twenty-four
– Yigirma uch, oldinga yigirma to’rtga qarang
Is it just me or it ain’t no love no more?
– Bu faqat menmi yoki endi sevgi yo’qmi?
Twenty-five, what a time to be alive
– Yigirma besh, tirik bo’lish uchun qanday vaqt
Am I getting old? Why do I feel tired?
– Men keksayyapmanmi? Nega charchaganimni his qilyapman?
All the same old things, the same old games
– Hammasi bir xil eski narsalar, bir xil eski o’yinlar
Same old pain, think it’s time for a change ’cause
– Xuddi shu eski og’riq, o’zgarish sababi vaqti keldi deb o’ylang
Certain shit ain’t like me no more
– Ba’zi shit meni endi yoqtirmaydi
Certain shit don’t excite me no more
– Ba’zi shit hech meni tortmaslik qilmang
It don’t excite no more, no
– Bu endi hayajonlanmaydi, yo’q
It ain’t like me no more
– Bu menga endi yoqmaydi
No more, no more
– Yo’q, endi yo’q
No, no, no, no, no
– Yo’q, yo’q, yo’q, yo’q
Certain shit don’t excite me no more
– Ba’zi shit hech meni tortmaslik qilmang
Shit ain’t like me no more
– Bok endi menga yoqmaydi
This ain’t like me no more, no
– Bu menga endi yoqmaydi, yo’q
It don’t excite me no more, uh
– Bu meni endi hayajonlantirmaydi, uh
– Uh