Sabrina Carpenter – Sharpest Tool Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



I know you’re not
– Bilaman, siz emassiz
The sharpest tool in the shed
– Shiypondagi eng o’tkir vosita
We had sex, I met your best friends
– Biz jinsiy aloqa qildik, men sizning eng yaxshi do’stlaringiz bilan uchrashdim
Then a bird flies by and you forget
– Keyin qush uchib ketadi va siz unutasiz
I don’t hear a word
– Men bir so’z eshitmayapman
‘Til your guilt creeps in
– Sizning aybingiz ichkariga kirguncha
On a Tuesday, send a soft “hey”
– Seshanba kuni yumshoq “salom”yuboring
As if you really don’t recall the time
– Go’yo siz haqiqatan ham vaqtni eslamaysiz

We were goin’ right, then you took a left
– Biz o’ng tomonga ketdik, keyin siz chapni oldingiz
Left me with a lot of shit to second-guess
– Ikkinchi taxmin qilish uchun meni juda ko’p axlat bilan qoldirdi
Guess I’ll waste another year on wonderin’ if
– O’ylaymanki, men yana bir yilni behuda sarflayman
If that was casual, then I’m an idiot
– Agar bu tasodifiy bo’lsa, men ahmoqman
I’m lookin’ for an answer in-between the lines
– Men chiziqlar orasidagi javobni qidiraman
Lyin’ to yourself if you think we’re fine
– Agar biz yaxshi deb o’ylasangiz, o’zingizga Lyin
You’re confused and I’m upset, but
– Siz sarosimaga tushdingiz va men xafa bo’ldim, lekin

We never talk about it
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz
We never talk about it
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz
We never talk about it
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz

All the silence just makes it worse, really
– Barcha sukunat uni yanada yomonlashtiradi, haqiqatan ham
‘Cause it leaves you so top-of-mind for me
– – Chunki bu sizni men uchun juda yaxshi fikrda qoldiradi
All the silence is just your strategy
– Barcha sukunat faqat sizning strategiyangizdir
‘Cause it leaves you so top-of-mind for me
– – Chunki bu sizni men uchun juda yaxshi fikrda qoldiradi

We never talk about how you
– Biz hech qachon siz qanday qilib gaplashmaymiz
Found God at your ex’s house, always
– Xudoni har doim sobiqingizning uyida topdi
Made sure that the phone was face-down
– Telefon yuzini pastga qaratganligiga ishonch hosil qildi
Seems like overnight, I’m just the bitch you hate now
– Bir kechada kabi ko’rinadi, men endi nafrat faqat bitch emasman
We never talk it through
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz
How you guilt-tripped me to open up to you
– Qanday qilib aybdorlik-sizni ochish uchun meni qoqib qo’ydi
Then you logged out, leavin’ me dumbfounded, oh-oh
– Keyin siz tashqariga chiqdingiz, meni hayratda qoldiring, oh-oh

We were goin’ right, then you took a left
– Biz o’ng tomonga ketdik, keyin siz chapni oldingiz
Left me with a lot of shit to second-guess
– Ikkinchi taxmin qilish uchun meni juda ko’p axlat bilan qoldirdi
Guess I’ll waste another year on wonderin’ if
– O’ylaymanki, men yana bir yilni behuda sarflayman
If that was casual, then I’m an idiot
– Agar bu tasodifiy bo’lsa, men ahmoqman
I’m lookin’ for an answer in-between the lines
– Men chiziqlar orasidagi javobni qidiraman
Lyin’ to yourself if you think we’re fine
– Agar biz yaxshi deb o’ylasangiz, o’zingizga Lyin
You’re confused and I’m upset, but
– Siz sarosimaga tushdingiz va men xafa bo’ldim, lekin

We never talk about it (We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it)
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz (bu haqda gapirmaymiz, bu haqda gapirmaymiz)
We never talk about it (We don’t talk about it, talk, talk, talk about it)
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz (biz bu haqda gapirmaymiz, gaplashamiz, gaplashamiz, gaplashamiz)
We never talk about it (We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it)
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz (bu haqda gapirmaymiz, bu haqda gapirmaymiz)
(We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it)
– (Biz bu haqda gapirmaymiz, bu haqda gapirmaymiz)

We never talk about how you
– Biz hech qachon siz qanday qilib gaplashmaymiz
Found God at your ex’s house, always
– Xudoni har doim sobiqingizning uyida topdi
Made sure that the phone was face-down
– Telefon yuzini pastga qaratganligiga ishonch hosil qildi
Seems like overnight, I’m just the bitch you hate now
– Bir kechada kabi ko’rinadi, men endi nafrat faqat bitch emasman
We never talk it through
– Biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz
How you guilt-tripped me to open up to you
– Qanday qilib aybdorlik-sizni ochish uchun meni qoqib qo’ydi
Then you logged out, leavin’ me dumbfounded, oh-oh
– Keyin siz tashqariga chiqdingiz, meni hayratda qoldiring, oh-oh

We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it (We never talk about it)
– Biz bu haqda gapirmaymiz ,bu haqda gapirmaymiz (biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz)
We don’t talk about it, talk, talk, talk about it (We never talk about it)
– Biz bu haqda gapirmaymiz, gaplashamiz, gaplashamiz, gaplashmaymiz (biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz)
We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it (We never talk about it)
– Biz bu haqda gapirmaymiz ,bu haqda gapirmaymiz (biz bu haqda hech qachon gapirmaymiz)
We don’t talk about it, we don’t talk about it
– Biz bu haqda gapirmaymiz, bu haqda gapirmaymiz

Sabrina Carpenter



