Selena Gomez – Bluest Flame Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
– Oh, men faqat butun kecha borishni istayman, men faqat jinni borishni istayman
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
– Yozgi yomg’irda teginish, eng moviy olovdan issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, never get you out my mind, never get you out my brain
– Oh, seni hech qachon xayolimdan chiqarma, seni hech qachon miyamdan chiqarma
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
– Hammasini yana qilishni xohlayman, eng moviy olovdan ham issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
– Oh, men faqat butun kecha borishni istayman, men faqat jinni borishni istayman
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
– Yozgi yomg’irda teginish, eng moviy olovdan issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, never get you out my mind, never get you out my brain
– Oh, seni hech qachon xayolimdan chiqarma, seni hech qachon miyamdan chiqarma
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
– Hammasini yana qilishni xohlayman, eng moviy olovdan ham issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
– Oh, men faqat butun kecha borishni istayman, men faqat jinni borishni istayman
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
– Yozgi yomg’irda teginish, eng moviy olovdan issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, never get you out my mind, never get you out my brain
– Oh, seni hech qachon xayolimdan chiqarma, seni hech qachon miyamdan chiqarma
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
– Hammasini yana qilishni xohlayman, eng moviy olovdan ham issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
– Oh, men faqat butun kecha borishni istayman, men faqat jinni borishni istayman
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
– Yozgi yomg’irda teginish, eng moviy olovdan issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, never get you out my mind, never get you out my brain
– Oh, seni hech qachon xayolimdan chiqarma, seni hech qachon miyamdan chiqarma
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
– Hammasini yana qilishni xohlayman, eng moviy olovdan ham issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
– Oh, men faqat butun kecha borishni istayman, men faqat jinni borishni istayman
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
– Yozgi yomg’irda teginish, eng moviy olovdan issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, never get you out my mind, never get you out my brain
– Oh, seni hech qachon xayolimdan chiqarma, seni hech qachon miyamdan chiqarma
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
– Hammasini yana qilishni xohlayman, eng moviy olovdan ham issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq

Hey there
– Salom bor
When I lay in your arms, am I there?
– Men sizning quchog’ingizga yotganimda, men u erdamanmi?
When I’m lost in the garden of air
– Havo bog’ida adashganimda
You know how it feels
– Siz buni qanday his qilayotganini bilasiz
Body on body, it’s you and me and it’s real
– Tanadagi tana, bu siz va men va bu haqiqat
I don’t know if I can take this
– Buni qabul qila olamanmi, bilmayman
I can’t hide it, I’m burning up (Yeah)
– Yashira olmayman, yonyapman (Ha)
Try to fight it, try to fake it
– U bilan kurashishga harakat qiling, soxtalashtirishga harakat qiling
I can’t hide it (You’re all I want)
– Men buni yashira olmayman (siz men xohlagan narsasiz)

Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
– Oh, men faqat butun kecha borishni istayman, men faqat jinni borishni istayman
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
– Yozgi yomg’irda teginish, eng moviy olovdan issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, never get you out my mind, never get you out my brain
– Oh, seni hech qachon xayolimdan chiqarma, seni hech qachon miyamdan chiqarma
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
– Hammasini yana qilishni xohlayman, eng moviy olovdan ham issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, I just wanna go all night, I just wanna go insane
– Oh, men faqat butun kecha borishni istayman, men faqat jinni borishni istayman
Touching in the summer rain, hotter than the bluest flame
– Yozgi yomg’irda teginish, eng moviy olovdan issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq
Ah, never get you out my mind, never get you out my brain
– Oh, seni hech qachon xayolimdan chiqarma, seni hech qachon miyamdan chiqarma
Wanna do it all again, hotter than the bluest flame
– Hammasini yana qilishni xohlayman, eng moviy olovdan ham issiqroq
Hotter than the bluest flame
– Moviy olovdan issiqroq

– Oh
– Oh
– Oh
– Oh
– Oh

Selena Gomez



