Ooh, ooh, ooh
– Ooh, ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
– Ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh-ooh
Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, uh
– Ooh-ooh-ooh, ooh, uh
Did you have the time of your life?
– Sizning hayotingiz vaqti bo’ldimi?
Let’s have the afterparty at my place
– Keling, mening joyimda afterparty bor
Ayy, do you have some spare change?
– Ayy, agar ba’zi ehtiyot o’zgarish bormi?
On me, I’ve got hundreds I’ll throw in your face
– Menda yuzlab odamlar bor men sizning yuzingizga tashlayman
Yeah, order more bottles, order more models
– Ha, ko’proq idishlarga buyurtma bering, ko’proq modellarga buyurtma bering
Order more hours, shots on an island
– Ko’proq soat buyurtma, bir orolda tortishish
Hotter than the summer, the winter couldn’t chill me
– Yozdan issiqroq, qish meni sovutolmadi
Young, free, and wildin’, order more kidneys
– Yosh, erkin va yovvoyi hayvonlar ko’proq buyraklarga buyurtma berishadi
Dope, I’m so dope
– Doping, men juda dopingman
All these hunnies pilin’ on the floor
– Bu barcha hunnies qavatda pilin’
And we stuntin’, know you see the glow
– Va biz hayratda qoldiramiz, bilingki, siz porlashni ko’rasiz
Throw these hundreds, thought I’d let you know
– Bu yuzlarni tashlang, men sizga xabar beraman deb o’yladim
Since LA, I’ve been puttin’ on
– LA beri, men puttin ‘ qilingan ayting
Cirque du Soleil, goin’ on and on
– Cirque du Soleil, va ustiga boring
I got this money, tell me what you want
– Men bu pulni oldim, menga nima istayotganingizni ayting
For this money, can you drop it low?
– Bu pul uchun uni pastga tushira olasizmi?
Yeah, order more bottles, order more models
– Ha, ko’proq idishlarga buyurtma bering, ko’proq modellarga buyurtma bering
Order more hours, shots on an island
– Ko’proq soat buyurtma, bir orolda tortishish
Hotter than the summer, the winter couldn’t chill me
– Yozdan issiqroq, qish meni sovutolmadi
Young, free, and wildin’, order more kidneys
– Yosh, erkin va yovvoyi hayvonlar ko’proq buyraklarga buyurtma berishadi
Mm, when the night calls, oh-oh-oh
– Mm, qachon kecha qo’ng’iroqlar, oh-oh-oh
When the night calls, oh-oh-oh
– Kecha qo’ng’iroq qilganda, oh-oh-oh
Yeah, order more bottles (order more bottles)
– Ha, ko’proq idishlarga buyurtma bering (ko’proq idishlarga buyurtma bering)
Order more models (order more models)
– Ko’proq modellarga buyurtma bering (ko’proq modellarga buyurtma bering)
Order more hours (order more hours)
– Buyurtma ko’proq soat (buyurtma ko’proq soat)
Shots on an island (shots on an island)
– Orolda tortishish (orolda tortishish)
Hotter than the summer (hotter than the summer)
– Yozdan issiqroq (yozdan issiqroq)
The winter couldn’t chill me (the winter couldn’t chill me)
– Qish meni sovutolmadi (qish meni sovutolmadi)
Young, free, and wildin’ (young, free, and wildin’)
– Yosh, erkin va yovvoyi (yosh, erkin va yovvoyi)
So order more kidneys (so order more kidneys)
– Shunday qilib, ko’proq buyraklarga buyurtma bering (shuning uchun ko’proq buyraklarga buyurtma bering)
Freaks come out at night
– Kechasi Freaks chiqadi
We bring our fantasy to life
– Biz fantaziyamizni hayotga olib kelamiz
Point me to the ice
– Meni muzga yo’naltiring
And I don’t need your drink, high off life
– Va menga sizning ichimliklaringiz kerak emas, hayotdan yuqori
Uh, someone kill the lights
– Uh, kimdir chiroqlarni o’ldiradi
I brought the party favors, just get piped
– Men partiya ne’matlarini olib, faqat quvur olish
All my bitches right
– Mening barcha kaltaklarim to’g’ri
But I want you and you tonight
– Lekin men sizni va sizni bugun kechqurun xohlayman
Yeah, order more bottles (order more bottles)
– Ha, ko’proq idishlarga buyurtma bering (ko’proq idishlarga buyurtma bering)
Order more models (order more models)
– Ko’proq modellarga buyurtma bering (ko’proq modellarga buyurtma bering)
Order more hours (order more hours)
– Buyurtma ko’proq soat (buyurtma ko’proq soat)
Shots on an island (shots on an island)
– Orolda tortishish (orolda tortishish)
Hotter than the summer (hotter than the summer)
– Yozdan issiqroq (yozdan issiqroq)
The winter couldn’t chill me (the winter couldn’t chill me)
– Qish meni sovutolmadi (qish meni sovutolmadi)
Young, free, and wildin’ (young, free, and wildin’)
– Yosh, erkin va yovvoyi (yosh, erkin va yovvoyi)
So order more kidneys (so order more kidneys)
– Shunday qilib, ko’proq buyraklarga buyurtma bering (shuning uchun ko’proq buyraklarga buyurtma bering)
When the night crawls
– Kecha emaklaganda
All the money, all the hoes, and the alcohol
– Barcha pullar, barcha ketmonlar va spirtli ichimliklar
All these hundreds and these thousands, I’ma spend it all
– Bu yuzlab va minglab odamlar, men hammasini sarflayman
Always when the night calls
– Har doim tungi qo’ng’iroqlar
When the night calls
– Kecha qo’ng’iroq qilganda
We want money, we want hoes, we want alcohol
– Biz pulni xohlaymiz, ketmonni xohlaymiz, spirtli ichimliklarni xohlaymiz
All these hundreds, all these thousands, I’ma spend it all
– Bu yuzlab, minglab, men hammasini sarflayman
Always when the night calls
– Har doim tungi qo’ng’iroqlar
Ayy, walked up in the bank (bank)
– Ayy, bankda (bankda)yurdi
Ordered me some funds (beep)
– Menga ba’zi mablag ‘ buyurdi (qisqa)
Walked in the strip club
– Strip klubida yurdi
Order me some ones (gang)
– Menga ba’zi buyurtma (to’da)
I walked up in the gun store (huh?)
– Men qurol do’konida yurdim (ha?)
Ordered me some guns (bang-bang)
– Menga ba’zi qurol buyurdi (portlash-portlash)
Your bitch walked up in the spot
– Sizning kaltakingiz joyida yurdi
And she ordered me for lunch (gang, gang)
– Va u menga tushlik qilishni buyurdi (to’da, to’da)
I just ordered me some brunch (ayy)
– Men faqat menga ba’zi brunch buyurdi (ayy)
Korean spicy garlic (ayy)
– Koreys achchiq sarimsoq (ayy)
Bitch, I come from eating McDonald’s (uh-huh)
– Bitch, men McDonald’s yeyishdan kelganman (uh-huh)
Girl, you know I’m from the projects (ayy)
– Qiz, bilasizmi, men loyihalardanman (ayy)
Like I’m a G, I come through mobbin’
– Men G kabi, men mobbin orqali kelaman
Like Wu-T-A-N-G, we come through wildin’
– Vu-T-A-N-g singari, biz uayldin orqali kelamiz
I ain’t chicken, Killer Caesar with the chopper (bang-bang)
– Men tovuq emasman, qotil qaysar maydalagich bilan (portlash-portlash)
Boy, you don’t blow no poles, I know, I know (no, no, no)
– Bola, siz qutblarni puflamaysiz, bilaman, bilaman (yo’q, yo’q, yo’q)
I got me some angles
– Menga ba’zi burchaklar bor
I got me some money, fuck, I got me some haters (ayy)
– Men menga bir oz pul bor, fuck, men menga ba’zi nafratlanuvchilar bor (ayy)
I got me some FedEx (ayy, ayy), I got me some cake
– Menga FedEx (ayy, ayy) oldim, menga tort oldim
I got me some UPS, I got me a freight, ayy (gang, gang)
– Men menga ba’zi UPS bor, men menga yuk bor, ayy( to’da, to’da)
Order some more money (beep)
– Ba’zi ko’proq pul buyurtma (qisqa)
Order some more money (beep)
– Ba’zi ko’proq pul buyurtma (qisqa)
Order some more money (beep)
– Ba’zi ko’proq pul buyurtma (qisqa)
Order some more bottles (ayy)
– Ba’zi ko’proq shisha buyurtma (ayy)
Order some more bitches (ayy)
– Ba’zi ko’proq bitches buyurtma (ayy)
Order some more money (gang)
– Ba’zi ko’proq pul buyurtma (to’da)
I know you wanna be rich, bitch (gang, gang)
– Bilaman, siz boy bo’lishni xohlaysiz, kaltak (to’da, to’da)
When the night crawls
– Kecha emaklaganda
All the money, all the hoes, and the alcohol
– Barcha pullar, barcha ketmonlar va spirtli ichimliklar
All these hundreds and these thousands, I’ma spend it all
– Bu yuzlab va minglab odamlar, men hammasini sarflayman
Always when the night calls
– Har doim tungi qo’ng’iroqlar
When the night calls
– Kecha qo’ng’iroq qilganda
We want money, we want hoes, we want alcohol
– Biz pulni xohlaymiz, ketmonni xohlaymiz, spirtli ichimliklarni xohlaymiz
All these hundreds, all these thousands, I’ma spend it all
– Bu yuzlab, minglab, men hammasini sarflayman
Always when the night calls
– Har doim tungi qo’ng’iroqlar
When the night crawls
– Kecha emaklaganda
All the money, all the hoes, and the alcohol
– Barcha pullar, barcha ketmonlar va spirtli ichimliklar
All these hundreds and these thousands, I’ma spend it all
– Bu yuzlab va minglab odamlar, men hammasini sarflayman
Always when the night calls
– Har doim tungi qo’ng’iroqlar
When the night calls
– Kecha qo’ng’iroq qilganda
We want money, we want hoes, we want alcohol
– Biz pulni xohlaymiz, ketmonni xohlaymiz, spirtli ichimliklarni xohlaymiz
All these hundreds, all these thousands, I’ma spend it all
– Bu yuzlab, minglab, men hammasini sarflayman
Always when the night calls
– Har doim tungi qo’ng’iroqlar