wave to earth – annie. Ingliz tili Lirika & Ozbekcha Tarjimalar



I don’t belong with big names
– Men katta nomlarga tegishli emasman
Nor do I care ’bout fancy numbers
– Na men farqi yo’q ‘Butning tasavvur raqamlari
And I don’t like jewels
– Va men zargarlik buyumlarini yoqtirmayman
It doesn’t shine on my fingers
– Barmoqlarimda porlamaydi
I hate to be at fancy parties
– Men tasavvur partiyalar bo’lishi nafratlanaman
I don’t care anymore
– Menga endi farqi yo’q

You’d call me a loser, oh
– Siz meni yutqazgan deb ataysiz, oh
Why won’t you compromise
– Nega murosaga kelmaysiz
I’d rather give you an F
– Men sizga F berishni afzal ko’raman
Fuck you, I am saying
– Fuck you, men aytyapman

No, I wanna stay
– Yo’q, men qolishni xohlayman
With no subtle change
– Nozik o’zgarishsiz
No lies over me
– Mening ustimda yolg’on yo’q
No, I wouldn’t be ashamed
– Yo’q, men uyalmasdim
‘Cause I already have
– – Menda allaqachon bor
Everything for me
– Men uchun hamma narsa

Maybe I’m losing
– Balki yo’qotayotgandirman
Losing me to hold a smile, to bear it all
– Tabassum qilish uchun meni yo’qotish, barchasini ko’tarish
How can I fail, compromise, and lose myself?
– Qanday qilib men muvaffaqiyatsizlikka uchrashim, murosaga kelishim va o’zimni yo’qotishim mumkin?
So boy, I’m gonna smile
– Shunday qilib, bola, men tabassum qilaman
Fuck you, I am saying
– Fuck you, men aytyapman
Fuck you, I am saying
– Fuck you, men aytyapman

No, I wanna stay
– Yo’q, men qolishni xohlayman
With no subtle change
– Nozik o’zgarishsiz
No lies over me
– Mening ustimda yolg’on yo’q
No, I wouldn’t be ashamed
– Yo’q, men uyalmasdim
‘Cause I already have
– – Menda allaqachon bor
Everything for me (Everything for me, yeah)
– Men uchun hamma narsa (men uchun hamma narsa, ha)

No, say no (Yeah, yeah)
– Yo’q, yo’q deb ayting (Ha, ha)
No, say no (Say no, say no, say no, yeah)
– Yo’q, yo’q de (yo’q De, yo’q de, yo’q de, ha)
No, say no (Oh-ooh-oh)
– Yo’q, yo’q deb ayting (Oh-ooh-oh)
No, say no, oh
– Yo’q, yo’q deb ayting, oh

wave to earth



