Ikliphu Yevidiyo
Before I had a walk-in wardrobe
– Ngaphambi kokuba ndibe ne-wardrobe
No car, I was ten toes
– Akukho moto, bendineenzwane ezilishumi
Walkin’ through the war zone
– Ukudlula kwindawo yemfazwe
She don’t like takin’ the pill, so I’m pullin’ out, it plays with her hormones
– Akayithandi ipilisi, ngoko ndiyikhupha, idlala ngamahomoni akhe
Fuck love, I need more poles
– Fuck uthando, ndifuna izibonda ezininzi
Fucked up, that was just my luck, when bro got touched, didn’t die but he almost did
– Fuck up, ukuba nje luck yam, xa bro wachukunyiswa, akazange afe kodwa phantse wenza
Right now, me and him ain’t the closest
– Ngoku, mna kunye naye asikho kufutshane
Goin’ through the motions
– Hamba ngeentshukumo
My girl said I’m emotionless
– Intombi yam yathi andinayo imvakalelo
Heart cold like the Polar Express
– Intliziyo ibanda Njengepolar Express
They call me the voice of the street cah I speak on relevance
– Bayandibiza ilizwi lesitrato cah ndithetha ngokufaneleka
Top ten in my scene, that’s evident
– Ishumi eliphezulu kumboniso wam, oku kuyabonakala
When I release, I compete with Americans
– Xa ndikhulula, ndikhuphisana Nabantu Basemelika
My young G still needs development
– Ubuntu g still need development
Stick with a silencer, and now it’s got a speech impediment, uh
– Stick a a a sil sil sil now now now now-sengoku nadeko impediments, uh
Ss-ss-stutterin’, gotta leave, I’m sorry I’m anxious
– I-ss-ss-stutterin’, kufuneka uhambe, ndiyaxolisa ukuba ndikhathazekile
Everyone’s gangsters
– Boohle izibongo
Until it’s time to ride and man start makin’ excuse ’bout cameras
– Kude kube lixesha lokukhwela kwaye umntu aqale makin ‘uxolo’ iikhamera ze-bout
I won’t glamourise this life, FaceTimin’ the guys and it don’t look glamorous
– I won’t glamourise this life, FaceTimin ‘ guys kwaye ayikhangeleki intle
May the strong survive, may the pagans die
– Ngamana abanamandla bangaphila, kwanga abahedeni bangafa
I don’t even beef those guys, they sayin’ my name to create some hype
– Andingomntu othanda ukohlukana nezi nkomo, nditsho nezi nkomo ukuze ndikwazi ukwenza i-hype
This one want a one-night stand, politely decline, she ain’t my type
– Lo ufuna ukuma ubusuku obunye, ukwehla ngembeko, akayena uhlobo lwam
I’m sorry, Ms Jackson, I never meant to make her cry
– Xolisa Kwinana-angisoze ngahlukana
I never entertain these guys, if I want drama, then my girl gon’ start some
– Andizonwabisi ezi guys, ukuba ndifuna idrama, ke intombazana yam gon ‘ qala ezinye
How the fuck you gon’ argue with me when my flight departin’?
– Indlela fuck wena gon’ aphikisane nam xa indiza yam’?
How you gon’ raise your voice at me? You’re in my apartment
– Uyiphakamisa njani ilizwi lakho kum? Wena usegumbini lami
Had to swallow my pride and ask my guy for help, that hurt ’cause I don’t like askin’
– Kwafuneka ndiginye ikratshi lam kwaye ndicele uncedo kumfana wam, oko kwenzakalisa ‘kuba andithandi ukubuza’
I don’t know how to make a song, I just rhyme on beat and say how I feel
– Andazi ukuba ndingenza njani ingoma, ndicengceleza nje ukubetha kwaye nditsho indlela endivakalelwa ngayo
Mum said, “Don’t ever trust no one that claims they’re real”
– Umama wathi, “Ungaze uthembe mntu obanga ukuba uyinyani”
I’m real, I ain’t gotta say that I’m real, the brodem know how I roll
– I’m real, i’m not saying i’m real, brodem know how i’m roll
I know, these women all come and they go, I know that she ain’t my girl
– Ndiyazi, aba bafazi bonke beza kwaye bahamba, ndiyazi ukuba akayintombazana yam
I’m not in the mood for socialisin’, I’m sittin’ in silence
– I’m not into socialisin’, i’m not into silencing
I won’t form an alliance if I don’t like how your vibe is
– Andizukuyila umanyano ukuba andithandi ukuba njani ivibe yakho
Trap runnin’ like Uber Eats, big up the delivery drivers
– Trap runnin ‘ like Uber Eats, phezulu abaqhubi ukunikezelwa
Some shit don’t sit right with me, you live and you learn, I can’t live in this climate
– Ezinye shit musa ukuhlala kunye nam, uphila kwaye ufunda, andinakuphila kule mozulu
Freedom riskin’, the feds keep on friskin’
– Freedom riskin’, sweatshirts keep on friskin’
Before you get time to back out your knife, K1’s gonna reach for his ting
– Ngaphambi kokuba ufumane ixesha lokubuyisela i-knife Yakho, i-K1 iya kufika kwi-ting yakhe
So let’s be realistic
– Masibe nengqiqo
I told her play with her pussy, I don’t even care if her nails are acrylic
– Ndamxelela ukuba adlale kunye pussy yakhe, andikhathali nokuba iinzipho zakhe acrylic
How you my girl and don’t know my lyrics?
– Wena ntombi yam awuyazi lyrics?
I ain’t treatin’ no ho like a princess, baby, I’m losin’ interest
– I don’t treat ‘no how’ like a princess, baby, i’m losin ‘ iinterest
Let’s play Who’s The Baddest or let’s play Who’s The Richest
– Makhe sidlale Ngubani Owona Mhle kunabo bonke okanye Ngubani Na Ocebile Kakhulu
A2 gave him the ting, if they come through, then you better use his index
– I-A2 yamnika i-ting, ukuba badlula, ke sebenzisa ngcono isalathiso sakhe
They’re gonna underestimate when you ain’t got a million views on a vid yet
– Baya kujongela phantsi xa ungenayo iimbono zesigidi kwividiyo okwangoku
Hold on, chat
– Bamba, ncokola
Cee is tapped in
– Cee lo in
I know drama sells, the Internet make me laugh out loud
– Ndiyayazi idrama ithengisa, i-Intanethi ndihleke kakhulu
Everyone talkin’ behind computers, what you gon’ do if my dog come round?
– Wonke umntu uthetha ngasemva kweekhompyuter, uza kwenza ntoni ukuba inja yam ijikeleze?
I might make the young G come to your show with the stick, like Moses, part the crowd
– Ndingamenza lo mfana ukuba eze kumboniso wakho ngentonga, Njengomoses, inxalenye yesihlwele
I ran that time cah I’m only human, I got caught lackin’, my guard was down
– I run that time cah ndingumntu nje, ndibanjwe kukungabikho, umlindi wam uphantsi
Leng, she out of my league, all of my bitches badder than me
– Long, yena ngaphandle league yam, zonke iibhitches zam badder kunam
Serious risk with the pack that day, had bare class A in the Addison Lee
– Umngcipheko omkhulu kunye nepakethi ngaloo mini, wayeneklasi Engenanto a Kwi-Addison Lee
I felt like Mitch, I felt like Meech, I felt like me, ten bands in a week
– Ndavakalelwa Njengo-Michech, ndaziva Ngathi Mna, amaqela alishumi ngeveki
Hoes in the studio, I’m tryna record, let’s multitask, get down on your knees
– Hoes kwi-studio, ndiza tryna imbali, makhe multitask, get phantsi kwindlela yakho ngamodolo akhe
Cancel the Uber if it ain’t tinted, I can’t ride if the whip transparent
– Khansela I Uber ukuba ayibotshwanga, andinakukhwela ukuba isabhokhwe sicace gca
I can’t even go to the petrol station, one wrong move and you’ll slip in traffic
– Andikwazi ukuya kwisikhululo sepetroli, intshukumo enye engalunganga kwaye uya kutyibilika kwizithuthi
Tables turned, and the plot just twisted like when ghost got wigged by Tariq
– Iitafile zajika, kwaye iyelenqe lijijekile nje xa isiporho sajijwa Yitariq
Ten-car convoy deep on the euro tunnel, I’m takin’ a trip to—
– Convela euro ukuze euro. ubalo olutsha—
I don’t care if they call my album a classic
– Andikhathali nokuba undibiza ngokuba yicwecwe lam
I could go and retire right now off the hits that I got, so I don’t need to panic
– Ndingaya kwaye ndihlale phantsi ngoku kwii-hits endizifumeneyo, ke akufuneki ndoyike
I don’t need promo runs or PR stunts, everything organic
– I don’t need pro runs okanye PR stunts, yonke into ephilayo
You don’t wanna test my gangster, try get close and see what happens
– Awufuni ukuvavanya i-gangster yam, zama ukusondela kwaye ubone ukuba kwenzeka ntoni
Nobody makes it far where I’m from
– Akakho umntu oya kude nalapho ndivela khona
So they say that I sold my soul, bro, I ain’t even sold my masters
– Ke bathi ndithengise umphefumlo wam, bhuti, andithengisanga neenkosi zam
Drop to my knees in a dirty bando, I talk to God like I need some answers
– Drop to my knees in a dirty bando’s bando’s, ndithetha Nothixo ndidinga iimpendulo
If I go broke, I’ll do it all over again, all I need is a phone and charger
– Ukuba ndophukile, ndiza kuyenza yonke kwakhona, yonke into endiyifunayo yifowuni kunye netshaja
I just ordered a stab-proof vest cah they said that they want man dead
– I just ordered a stab-proof vest cah bathi bafuna umntu ofileyo