50 Cent – Many Men (Wish Death) 英语 歌词 & 中文 翻译本



Damn, you gotta go get somethin’ to eat, man
– 该死,你得去吃点东西,伙计
I’m hungrier than a motherfucker, man
– 我比一个混蛋还饿,伙计
Ayo, man
– 阿约,伙计
Damn, what’s takin’ homie so long, son?
– 该死,怎么这么久了,孩子?
50, calm down, man, he coming
– 50,冷静点,伙计,他来了
Ah (Oh, what the fuck?)
– 啊(哦,他妈的什么?)
Ah, son, pull off, pull off
– 啊,儿子,停下,停下

Many men wish death upon me
– 很多人都希望我死
Blood in my eye, dog, and I can’t see
– 我眼睛里有血,狗,我看不见
I’m tryin’ to be what I’m destined to be
– 我在努力成为我注定要成为的人
And niggas tryin’ to take my life away (Come on)
– 黑鬼想夺走我的生命(来吧)
I put a hole in a nigga for fuckin’ with me
– 我在一个黑鬼身上开了个洞,让他跟我一起玩
My back on the wall, now you gon’ see
– 我背在墙上,现在你看到了
Better watch how you talk when you talk about me
– 当你谈论我的时候,最好注意你怎么说话
‘Cause I’ll come and take your life away
– 因为我会来夺走你的生命

Many men
– 许多男人
Many, many, many, many men
– 很多很多很多很多男人
Wish death ‘pon me
– 愿死神保佑我
Lord, I don’t cry no more
– 主啊,我不再哭了
Don’t look to the sky no more
– 不要再仰望天空
Have mercy on me
– 怜悯我吧

Now man, these pussy niggas puttin’ money on my head
– 伙计,这些娘们黑鬼把钱放在我头上
Go on and get your refund, motherfucker, I ain’t dead
– 去拿你的退款,混蛋,我没死
I’m the diamond in the dirt that ain’t been found
– 我是未被发现的泥土中的钻石
I’m the underground king and I ain’t been crowned
– 我是地下国王,我还没有被加冕
When I rhyme, somethin’ special happened every time
– 当我押韵的时候,每次都发生了一些特别的事情
I’m the greatest, somethin’ like Ali in his prime
– 我是最伟大的,像艾莉风华正茂
I walk the block with the bundles, I’ve been knocked on the humble
– 我带着捆包走在街区,我被卑微的人敲了敲
Swing the ox when I rumble, show your ass what my gun do
– 摇摆牛当我隆隆,显示你的屁股我的枪做什么
Got a temper, nigga, go ‘head, lose your head
– 发脾气了,黑鬼,走吧,疯了
Turn your back on me, get clapped and lose your legs
– 背对着我,被拍手,失去你的腿
I walk around, gun on my waist, chip on my shoulder
– 我走来走去,枪在我的腰上,芯片在我的肩膀上
‘Til I bust a clip in your face, pussy, this beef ain’t over
– 直到我在你脸上打了一个夹子,小妞,这牛肉还没结束

Many men
– 许多男人
Many, many, many, many men
– 很多很多很多很多男人
Wish death ‘pon me
– 愿死神保佑我
Lord, I don’t cry no more
– 主啊,我不再哭了
Don’t look to the sky no more
– 不要再仰望天空
Have mercy on me
– 怜悯我吧
Have mercy on my soul
– 怜悯我的灵魂
Somewhere my heart turned cold
– 某个地方我的心变冷了
Have mercy on many men
– 怜悯许多人
Many, many, many, many men
– 很多很多很多很多男人
Wish death ‘pon me
– 愿死神保佑我

Sunny days wouldn’t be special if it wasn’t for rain
– 如果不是下雨,晴天也不会特别
Joy wouldn’t feel so good if it wasn’t for pain
– 如果不是因为痛苦,欢乐就不会感觉那么好
Death gotta be easy, ’cause life is hard
– 死亡一定很容易,因为生活很艰难
It’ll leave you physically, mentally, and emotionally scarred
– 它会让你在身体、精神和情感上留下伤痕累累
This is for my niggas on the block twistin’ trees in cigars
– 这是给我的黑鬼在树上抽雪茄的
For the niggas on lock doin’ life behind bars
– 为了锁上的黑鬼在监狱里生活
I don’t say, “Only God can judge me,” ’cause I see things clear
– 我不会说,”只有上帝才能审判我,”因为我清楚地看到事情
Crooked-ass crackers will give my Black ass a hundred years
– 歪屁股饼干会给我的黑屁股一百年
I’m like Paulie in GoodFellas, you can call me the Don
– 我就像古德费拉斯的保利,你可以叫我堂
Like Malcolm by any means with my gun in my palm
– 就像马尔科姆用我的枪在我的手心一样
Slim switched sides on me, let niggas ride on me
– 斯利姆换了我的立场,让黑鬼骑在我身上
I thought we was cool, why you want me to die, homie? (Homie)
– 我以为我们很酷,你为什么要我死,伙计? (Homie)

Many men
– 许多男人
Many, many, many, many men
– 很多很多很多很多男人
Wish death ‘pon me
– 愿死神保佑我
Lord, I don’t cry no more
– 主啊,我不再哭了
Don’t look to the sky no more
– 不要再仰望天空
Have mercy on me
– 怜悯我吧
Have mercy on my soul
– 怜悯我的灵魂
Somewhere my heart turned cold
– 某个地方我的心变冷了
Have mercy on many men
– 怜悯许多人
Many, many, many, many men
– 很多很多很多很多男人
Wish death ‘pon me
– 愿死神保佑我

Every night I talk to God, but he don’t say nothin’ back
– 每天晚上我都和上帝说话,但他什么也不说
I know he protectin’ me, but I still stay with my gat
– 我知道他保护我,但我仍然和我的孩子在一起
In my nightmares, niggas keep pullin’ TECs on me
– 在我的噩梦中,黑鬼一直在我身上拉着他们
Psychic says some bitch done put a hex on me
– 通灵说有个婊子给我上了一个十六进制
The feds didn’t know much when Pac got shot
– 当Pac被枪杀时,联邦调查局的人不知道很多
I got a kite from the pens that told me Tut got knocked
– 我从钢笔里得到一只风筝,告诉我图坦卡蒙被撞了
I ain’t gon’ spell it out for you motherfuckers all the time
– 我不会一直为你们这些混蛋拼出来的
Are you illiterate, nigga? You can’t read between the lines?
– 你是文盲吗,黑鬼? 字里行间你看不懂?
In the Bible, it says what goes around, comes around
– 在圣经中,它说什么会发生,就会发生
Hommo shot me, three weeks later he got shot down
– 霍莫向我开枪,三个星期后他被击落
Now it’s clear that I’m here for a real reason
– 现在很明显我来这里是有原因的
‘Cause he got hit like I got hit, but he ain’t fuckin’ breathin’
– 因为他被击中了,就像我被击中了,但他他妈的没有呼吸

Many men
– 许多男人
Many, many, many, many men
– 很多很多很多很多男人
Wish death ‘pon me
– 愿死神保佑我
Lord, I don’t cry no more
– 主啊,我不再哭了
Don’t look to the sky no more
– 不要再仰望天空
Have mercy on me
– 怜悯我吧
Have mercy on my soul
– 怜悯我的灵魂
Somewhere my heart turned cold
– 某个地方我的心变冷了
Have mercy on many men
– 怜悯许多人
Many, many, many, many men
– 很多很多很多很多男人
Wish death ‘pon me
– 愿死神保佑我

50 Cent



