Anne Clark – Our Darkness 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Through these city nightmares you’d walk with me
– 通过这些城市的噩梦你会和我一起走
And we’d talk of it with idealistic assurance
– 我们会以理想主义的保证来谈论它
That it wouldn’t tear us apart
– 它不会把我们分开
We’d keep our heads above the blackened water
– 我们要把头放在发黑的水面上
But there’s no room for ideals in this mechanical place
– 但在这个机械的地方没有理想的空间
And you’re gone now
– 你现在走了

Through a grimy window that I can’t keep clean
– 透过一扇肮脏的窗户,我无法保持清洁
Through billowing smoke that’s swallowed the sun
– 通过滚滚的烟雾吞噬了太阳
You’re nowhere to be seen
– 你无处可寻

Do you think our desires still burn
– 你以为我们的欲望还在燃烧吗?
I guess it was desires that tore us apart
– 我想是欲望把我们分开了
There has to be passion
– 要有激情
A passion for living, surviving
– 对生活和生存的热情
And that means detachment
– 这意味着超脱
Everybody has a weapon to fight you with
– 每个人都有与你战斗的武器
To beat you with when you are down
– 当你倒下的时候,用它来打败你
There were too many defence between us
– 我们之间有太多的防御
Doubting all the time
– 一直怀疑
Fearing all the time
– 一直害怕
Doubting all the time
– 一直怀疑
Fearing all the time
– 一直害怕
That like these urban nightmares
– 就像这些城市的噩梦
We’d blacken each other skies
– 我们会让彼此的天空变黑

When we passed the subways we tried to ignore our fate there
– 当我们经过地铁时,我们试图忽视我们在那里的命运
Of written threats on endless walls
– 无边无际的墙上的书面威胁
Unjustified crimes carried in stifled calls
– 在扼杀的电话中进行的无理犯罪
Would you walk with me now through this pouring rain
– 你愿意陪我走过这倾盆大雨吗?
It used to mingle with our tears
– 它曾经和我们的眼泪混在一起
Then dry with the hopes that we left behind
– 然后用我们留下的希望擦干
It rains even harder now
– 现在下雨更厉害了






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