Anthony Lazaro – Love Letter 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I wonder if you miss me
– 不知你是否想我
It’s been a long year
– 这是漫长的一年
Winter has snowed
– 冬天下雪了
The summer has shone
– 夏天已经亮了
But I ain’t forgotten
– 但我没有忘记
The sweet taste of chocolate
– 巧克力的甜味
I taste on your lips
– 我在你的嘴唇上品尝
When we had our last kiss
– 当我们最后一吻的时候

So here’s my love letter
– 这是我的情书
Entrusted to the weather
– 托付给天气
Will ride across the waves
– 将乘风破浪
And float through the clouds
– 飘过云层

Yeah, when it’s delivered
– 是的,当它送来的时候
Do what you want with her
– 对她做你想做的
You can send it back
– 你可以寄回去
Or keep it around
– 或者把它留在身边

And maybe I am wrong
– 也许我错了
Maybe it’s been too long
– 也许太久了
But I heard from someone
– 但我听到有人说
That you’re back in town
– 你又回到城里了

And if it’s not too late
– 如果还不算太晚
I can bring chocolate
– 我可以带巧克力
And maybe if you want them
– 也许如果你想要的话
Some roses too
– 还有一些玫瑰

‘Cause it’s been a long year
– 因为这是漫长的一年
And maybe you missed me
– 也许你想我
I think you remember
– 我想你还记得
The words of that tune
– 那首曲子的话

So here’s my love letter
– 这是我的情书
Entrusted to the weather
– 托付给天气
Will ride across the waves
– 将乘风破浪
And float through the clouds
– 飘过云层

Yeah, when it’s delivered
– 是的,当它送来的时候
Do what you want with it
– 做你想做的
You can send it back
– 你可以寄回去
Or keep it around
– 或者把它留在身边

I never stopped dreaming about
– 我从未停止过梦想
The sound of that song
– 那首歌的声音
Playing in the background
– 在后台播放

When that last night
– 昨晚的时候
Was finally spent
– 终于花光了
Was left with the memory
– 留下了记忆
Of that chocolate scent
– 巧克力的香味

So here’s my love letter
– 这是我的情书
Entrusted to the weather
– 托付给天气
Will ride across the waves
– 将乘风破浪
And float through the clouds
– 飘过云层

Yeah, when it’s delivered
– 是的,当它送来的时候
Do you what you want with her
– 你想对她怎么样吗?
You can send it back
– 你可以寄回去
Or keep it around
– 或者把它留在身边






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