Camila Cabello – First Man 英语 歌詞 中文 翻譯

Yes, I’m gonna stay with him tonight
– 是的,我今晚要和他在一起
I’ll see you in the mornin’
– 明早见
No, of course, he won’t drink and drive
– 不,当然,他不会酒后驾车的
Can you say bye to mom for me?
– 你能帮我跟妈妈说再见吗?

Oh, you’ll like him, he’s really kind
– 哦,你会喜欢他的,他真的很好
And he’s funny like you sometimes
– 他有时和你一样有趣
And I found someone I really like
– 我找到了一个我真正喜欢的人
Maybe for the first time
– 也许是第一次

No, I don’t need a jacket
– 不,我不需要夹克
It’s not that cold tonight
– 今晚没那么冷
And you worry, I get it
– 你担心,我明白了
But he’s waiting outside
– 但他在外面等着

I swear on my heart
– 我以我的心发誓
That he’s a good man
– 他是个好人
I know you’ll stay up late
– 我知道你会熬夜
Just waiting for me
– 就在等我
You held me so tight
– 你把我抱得那么紧
Now someone else can
– 现在其他人可以
But you were the first man
– 但你是第一个
That really loved me
– 那真的爱我

Now you’re driving to the airport
– 现在你开车去机场
Not just me you pick up anymore
– 你接的不只是我
I’ve got eight days off coming up
– 我还有八天假
And I can only come home for four
– 我只能回家四个人

Yeah, I just met his family
– 我刚认识他的家人
They’re just like you and mom
– 他们就像你和妈妈
He makes me really happy
– 他让我很开心
I think he might be the one (Oh)
– 我想他可能就是那个

I swear on my heart
– 我以我的心发誓
That he’s a good man
– 他是个好人
I promise he loves me
– 我保证他爱我
He’d never hurt me
– 他永远不会伤害我
You held me so tight
– 你把我抱得那么紧
Now, someone else can
– 现在,其他人可以
But you were the first man
– 但你是第一个
That really loved me
– 那真的爱我

Now, you’re on the driveway
– 现在,你在车道上
Faking a smile
– 假装微笑
You wish you could tell him he doesn’t deserve me
– 你希望你能告诉他他配不上我
So I had to stop the car and turn around
– 所以我只好停车掉头
To tell you, you were the first man that really loved me
– 告诉你,你是第一个真正爱我的男人

Ah, ah, ah
– 啊啊啊啊
Ah, ah, ah
– 啊啊啊啊
– 啊

And before they open up the doors
– 在他们开门之前
I say, I’ve never seen you cry before
– 我说,我从没见过你哭过
You say, You’ve never looked so beautiful
– 你说,你从来没有这么漂亮过
You know you’ll always be my little girl
– 你知道你永远是我的小女儿

You’re looking at me, while walking down the aisle
– 你看着我,走在过道上
With tears in your eyes, maybe he deserves me
– 含着眼泪也许他配得上我
You don’t even know how much it means to me now
– 你甚至不知道这对我有多重要
That you were the first man that really loved me
– 你是第一个真正爱我的人

Oh, that really loved me
– 哦,那真的很爱我
Oh, you really love me
– 哦,你真的爱我






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