Cigarettes After Sex – Apocalypse 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

You leapt from crumbling bridges
– 你从摇摇欲坠的桥上跳了下来
Watching cityscapes turn to dust
– 看着城市景观化为尘土
Filming helicopters crashing
– 拍摄直升机坠毁
In the ocean from way above
– 从上面的海洋中

Got the music in you, baby
– 你有音乐,宝贝
Tell me why
– 告诉我为什么
Got the music in you, baby
– 你有音乐,宝贝
Tell me why
– 告诉我为什么
You’ve been locked in here forever
– 你永远被关在这里
And you just can’t say goodbye
– 你就是不能说再见

Kisses on the foreheads of the lovers
– 亲吻恋人的额头
Wrapped in your arms
– 裹在你怀里
You’ve been hiding them in hollowed out pianos
– 你把它们藏在挖空的钢琴里
Left in the dark
– 留在黑暗中

Got the music in you, baby
– 你有音乐,宝贝
Tell me why
– 告诉我为什么
Got the music in you, baby
– 你有音乐,宝贝
Tell me why
– 告诉我为什么
You’ve been locked in here forever
– 你永远被关在这里
And you just can’t say goodbye
– 你就是不能说再见

Your lips, my lips
– 你的嘴唇,我的嘴唇
– 启示录

Your lips, my lips
– 你的嘴唇,我的嘴唇
– 启示录

Go and sneak us through the rivers
– 去把我们偷偷溜过河吧
Flood is rising up on your knees
– 洪水在你的膝盖上升起
Oh, please
– 哦,求你了
Come out and haunt me
– 出来缠着我
I know you want me
– 我知道你想要我
Come out and haunt me
– 出来缠着我

Sharing all your secrets with each other
– 彼此分享你所有的秘密
Since you were kids
– 从你还是孩子起
Sleeping soundly with the locket that she gave you
– 睡得正香,她给你的小金盒
Clutched in your fist
– 握紧你的拳头

Got the music in you, baby
– 你有音乐,宝贝
Tell me why
– 告诉我为什么
Got the music in you, baby
– 你有音乐,宝贝
Tell me why
– 告诉我为什么
You’ve been locked in here forever
– 你永远被关在这里
And you just can’t say goodbye
– 你就是不能说再见

You’ve been locked in here forever
– 你永远被关在这里
And you just can’t say goodbye
– 你就是不能说再见

Ooh, oh
– 哦,哦
When you’re all alone
– 当你独自一人的时候
I’ill reach for you
– 我去找你
When you’re feelin’ low
– 当你情绪低落的时候
I’ll be there too
– 我也会去的





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