Eminem, WESTSIDE BOOGIE & GRIP – Fuel (Shady Edition) 英语 歌词 & 中文 翻译本



Smokin’ trees, I’m ridin’ ’round, come to my side of town
– 抽烟的树木,我摆脱’圆,来到我的城边
Lately, it’s been goin’, goin’, goin’, goin’, goin’ down
– 最近,它一直在走,走,走,走,走

Come see how heavy it get, I done seen way too much stress as a jit
– 来看看它有多重,我看到了太多的压力作为一个jit
Death in this section was present, we preppin’ for war, so we feel like we better equipped
– 死亡在这一节是存在的,我们准备战争,所以我们觉得我们更好地装备
Brodie got demons he keep to his self, probably won’t ever know, ’cause he never gon’ snitch
– 布罗迪得到了恶魔,他保持他的自我,可能永远不会知道,因为他从来没有gon’告密
Hella resentment from lettin’ it sit, I say, “I got him,” I’m never gon’ miss
– 我说,”我抓住他了,”我从不想念他
I done put way too much prep into this, back on your bumper how I’m wreckin’ this bitch
– 我做了太多的准备,回到你的保险杠上,我是如何破坏这个婊子
I keep on talkin’ ’bout healin’ that’s never gon’ happen, you know that I’m steppin’ on shit
– 我一直在谈论治愈这是永远不会发生的,你知道我在做坏事
I say the feelin’ I get from me killin’ a rapper just show me that Heaven exist
– 我说我从我身上得到的感觉杀死了一个说唱歌手只是告诉我天堂的存在
Shootin’ ’til ain’t nothin’ left in the clip, shootin’ ’til I get respect in this bitch
– 开枪直到剪辑里什么都不剩,开枪直到我得到尊重
I might just go get a Tec in this bitch, I might just go at the ref in this bitch
– 我可能会在这个婊子里找个Tec,我可能会在这个婊子里找个裁判
Guessing you think this shit new to me, huh? Guess you ain’t know what’s fuelin’ me, huh?
– 我猜你觉得这东西很新鲜? 我猜你不知道我在干什么?
I just had enemies shoot at me, tell me, just what could this industry do to me, huh?
– 我刚刚有敌人向我开枪,告诉我,这个行业能对我做什么?
Helpin’ the hood and the homies and plus the community think that it’s two of me, huh?
– 帮助引擎盖和家庭,以及社区认为这是我的两个,是吧?
Know where I go when it’s over, I run out of gas, they gon’ say that they through with me, huh? Aw, shit
– 知道我去哪里当它结束了,我用完了汽油,他们gon’说,他们通过我,是吧? 啊,妈的
When all this shit gon’ get better? Bitches just fuckin’ whoever
– 当这一切变得更好的时候? 狗娘养的,不管是谁
Nigga just sayin’ whatever, niggas’ gon’ fold under pressure, honestly I ain’t no better
– 黑鬼随便说什么,黑鬼在压力下折叠,老实说,我也好不到哪里去
I had to hop out the hole and got cold as a shoulder, I turned my emotion into sweater
– 我不得不跳出洞,冷得像个肩膀,我把我的情绪变成了毛衣
I had to garner the power to work on my soul, I ain’t tryna be broken forever
– 我必须获得对我的灵魂工作的力量,我不会永远被打破
I see the smoke, and start runnin’ into it, shawty you losin’ is so therapeutic
– 我看到烟,开始跑进去,肖蒂,你失去的是如此的治疗
I kinda think that you want it to happen, got put in a corner, you forced me to do it
– 我觉得你想让它发生,被放在角落里,你强迫我这样做
You gotta tell me that bein’ a rapper is hangin’ with rappers, and I ain’t into it
– 你得告诉我,当说唱歌手和说唱歌手在一起,我不喜欢
I’m with the shit, and I’m ready to prove it, waitin’ on Marshall to say I can do it
– 我和狗屎在一起,我准备证明这一点,等待马歇尔说我能做到
This shit goin’ down, down, down, down, dow-dow-dow-dow—
– 这该死的东西往下走,往下走,往下走,往下走,往下走,往下走,往下走,往下走,往下走,往下走—

If I run out of fuel, I won’t
– 如果我的燃料用完了,我就不会
What the fuck y’all gon’ do if I don’t
– 如果我不做,你们他妈的怎么办?
Run out of fuel? (Down, down, down, down, dow-dow-dow-dow—)
– 燃料用完了吗? (向下,向下,向下,向下,dow-dow-dow—dow-)
That scares the fuck out of you (Look)
– 这吓死你了(看)

I was slept on and left for dead
– 我睡了一觉,然后就死了
Sweat, wept, and bled for a game that barely kept me fed
– 汗水,哭泣,流血的游戏,几乎没有让我吃饱
Ain’t want the fame, just a spec of cred
– 我不想要名声,只是克里德的一个细节
Nowadays I take a check instead
– 现在我拿支票代替
The pen been steps ahead
– 笔已经向前走了几步
If you mention him, them boys wet the bed
– 如果你提到他,他们就会把床弄湿
Get on a track with GRIP and get knocked out like yo’ daddy did
– 在一条有抓地力的赛道上,像你爸爸那样被击倒
Whatever Deebo said to Craig, we can go head to head
– 无论迪波对克雷格说了什么,我们都可以面对面地交谈
Niggas play hard on the app
– 黑鬼在应用程序上玩得很辛苦
At they mama crib hatin’ on bars in a rap
– 在他们的时候,妈妈在酒吧里痛恨婴儿床
From niggas that still starve in the trap
– 来自仍在陷阱中挨饿的黑鬼
Clap back and it’s, “GRIP, you’re takin’ it too far, just relax”
– 拍手,然后,”抓地力,你把它弄得太远了,放松点。”
These words I discard on the wax
– 这些话我丢弃在蜡上
Shit deeper than the cars and the racks
– 比汽车和架子还要深
The fashion and gas, so when a star interacts
– 时尚和气体,所以当一颗恒星相互作用时
Got the soul of a field nigga with scars on his back
– 得到了一个背上有伤疤的野地黑鬼的灵魂
So pardon me if part of me feel a itch to click
– 所以请原谅我,如果我的一部分感到痒点击
Pitch a fit, blitz a bitch, split ya shit
– 投一个合适的,闪电战一个婊子,分裂你的狗屎
GRIP in the kitchen with instant grits
– 握在厨房与即时grits
Flick the wrist, they wish he’d miss, he’s six for six
– 轻弹手腕,他们希望他会错过,他六个六个
Go back through the discog’
– 通过discog回去’
It’s obvious I’m the godliest, yeah, I’m sonnin’ y’all
– 很明显,我是最虔诚的,是的,我是你们
I took the summer off
– 我休假了一个夏天
Just to let them get they mumbles off about blocks that they ain’t spun at all
– 只是为了让他们得到他们喃喃自语的块,他们没有纺在所有
The uninvolved underdog
– 未解决的失败者
Summoned from a drunken slumber to pummel y’all, but they don’t wanna brawl
– 从醉酒的沉睡中召唤来殴打你们,但他们不想争吵
This shit ain’t even fun no more
– 这东西一点都不好玩了
I mean, don’t nobody wanna come outside
– 我是说,没人想出来吗?
They like, “You should do a song with so and so
– 他们喜欢,”你应该用某某做一首歌
Or maybe such and such,” this shit done, I tried
– 或者,也许这样那样,”这狗屎做,我试过
They must not got it in their arsenal or metacarpal
– 他们不能在他们的武器库或掌骨中得到它
To pick the pen up and out-ink the man
– 把笔拿起来,把那个男人涂上墨水
Hm, but then again I’m partial
– 嗯,但话说回来,我是偏袒的
It really took Marshall just for me to get a feature? Damn
– 马修真的花了我的时间才得到一个特写? 该死的
I know rap’s what I started with
– 我知道说唱是我开始的
But when your target market’s lethargic to the bars you spit
– 但当你的目标市场对酒吧昏昏欲睡时,你就会吐出来
It’s harder to put your heart in it
– 把你的心放在里面更难
But come too far to quit, now I’m on to guitars and shit
– 但走得太远了,不能放弃,现在我开始吉他和狗屎了
So don’t find it jarrin’ if I switch the whole style up
– 所以,如果我把整个风格调高,别觉得刺耳
Want the old GRIP? Go get the old album
– 想要旧的抓地力吗? 去拿旧专辑
Any genre, same outcome
– 任何类型,相同的结果
I’m on that bitch with a stick like Malcolm
– 我在那个拿着马尔科姆棍子的婊子身上
Buck, buck, buck, buck
– 巴克,巴克,巴克
– Buck-脳梅脮脽拢潞脦脪鲁脭脦梅潞矛脢脕

If I run out of fuel, I won’t
– 如果我的燃料用完了,我就不会
What the fuck y’all gon’ do if I don’t
– 如果我不做,你们他妈的怎么办?
Run out of fuel? (Down, down, down, down, dow-dow-dow-dow—)
– 燃料用完了吗? (Down,down,down,down,dow-dow-dow—dow-)
That scares the fuck out of you
– 那他妈的吓死你了

I was up to my waist in debt, better yet, face and neck, tryna chase a check
– 我负债累累,更好的是,脸上和脖子上,特丽娜追着支票
Sweat, labor for minimal as wages get, just tryna get me a dub like a blank cassette (Yeah)
– 汗水,劳动为最小的工资得到,只是tryna给我一个像空白磁带一样的配音(是的)
I worked for peanuts ’til the day I met Dre and that gave me a little raise in net
– 我一直在花生公司工作,直到我遇到德雷的那一天,这给了我一点网薪
Now nothing is close to disgusting as what I grossed, so this must mean what I wrote makes me the
– 现在没有什么比我所写的更恶心了,所以这一定意味着我写的东西使我成为
Illest rapper there is, was, or ever will be
– 最糟糕的说唱歌手有,曾经或将来会是
That’s the real reason I still squeeze and I fill these bars with so much vitriol
– 这就是我仍然挤压的真正原因,我在这些酒吧里充满了如此多的刻薄
These voices in my head convince me, I bet that Ted Kaczynski’ll feel me
– 我脑子里的这些声音说服了我,我敢打赌泰德*卡钦斯基会感觉到我
‘Cause I serial-kill beats like Israel Keyes
– 因为我像以色列凯斯一样连续杀人
My peripheral sees everything, you was POVs to rap G-O-D
– 我的外设看到一切,你是povs说唱G-O-D
From Little Caesars to filled arenas, I made it big, word to Lil’ Cease
– 从小凯撒到充满竞技场,我把它做得很大,对Lil’停止说
“Fuel” remix, so who’ll be picked next, who’s name gonna be next up?
– “燃料”混音,那么下一个会选谁,下一个会是谁的名字?
Notorious B.I.G.’s death was the domino effects of 2Pac’s murder
– 臭名昭着的B.I.G.的死是2pac谋杀的多米诺骨牌效应
Like facial tissue, whose clock should I clean next? Puff’s?
– 就像面巾纸一样,我接下来应该清洁谁的时钟? 帕夫的?
‘Til he’s in police handcuffs, guilty, will he step up?
– 直到他被警察戴上手铐,有罪,他会站出来吗?
Like gee, never turned himself in, who knows all the murders they’ll pin
– 就像天啊,从来没有自首,谁知道他们会钉死的所有谋杀案
On me, next they’ll prepare for me to not choose none of my words carefully
– 在我身上,接下来他们会为我做好准备,不要仔细选择我的话
I’ve been comparable to Ivan The Terrible, I’ll take a paraplegic
– 我已经比得上伊凡雷帝了,我会截瘫的
And I’ll slam his wheelchair on the cement at physical therapy treatment
– 我会在物理治疗时把他的轮椅踩在水泥上
Then laugh hysterically, these wimps are like Slim’s hair when he bleached it
– 然后歇斯底里地笑,这些懦夫就像斯利姆漂白时的头发一样
Y’all need to lighten up, I give a fuck, I don’t care in the least bit
– 你们得放松点,我他妈的,我一点也不在乎
Kiss every square inch of my white rear end, I guarantee
– 亲吻我的白色后端的每一平方英寸,我保证
That my elevator’s stuck somewhere between two levels emcees won’t ever see
– 我的电梯卡在两层之间,主持人永远看不到
I spit bars so barbarically, a fuckin’ parakeet wouldn’t dare repeat
– 我如此野蛮地吐酒吧,一只该死的鹦鹉不敢重复
I’ll never be runnin’ out of steam or kerosene
– 我永远不会耗尽蒸汽或煤油

If I run out of fuel, I won’t
– 如果我的燃料用完了,我就不会
What the fuck y’all gon’ do if I don’t
– 如果我不做,你们他妈的怎么办?
Run out of fuel? (Down, down, down, down, dow-dow-dow-dow—)
– 燃料用完了吗? (Down,down,down,down,dow-dow-dow—dow-)
That scares the fuck out of you
– 那他妈的吓死你了




