Eric Bellinger – Spare Time 英语 歌詞 中文 翻譯

Oh, oh
– 哦,哦
Yeah, oh, oh
– 是啊,哦,哦
Sheesh, yeah, yeah
– 希什,是的,是的
This gon’ be your favorite song, yeah
– 这是你最喜欢的歌,是的

What you doing now, what you doing later?
– 你现在在做什么,你以后在做什么?
What you doing when you wake up?
– 你醒来后在干什么?
What you doing out? Hit mi casa later
– 你在外面干什么? 稍后打米卡萨
You don’t even need no makeup
– 你甚至不需要化妆

Girl, do me a favor
– 女孩,帮我个忙
Tell me, would you be my lunchtime?
– 告诉我,你会是我的午餐时间?
On your lunch break before you go home
– 在你回家前的午休时间
Could you squeeze a nigga in you, baby?
– 你能在你身上挤一个黑鬼吗,宝贝?

Maybe while you getting dressed
– 也许在你穿衣服的时候
Maybe when you in the shower
– 也许当你在洗澡的时候
Have your meeting in my bed
– 把你的会议放在我床上
I just need a half an hour
– 我只需要半小时

Come through, come through, what you doing in your spare time?
– 过来,过来,你在业余时间做什么?
Come through, come through, can I do you in your spare time?
– 过来,过来,我能在你的业余时间帮你吗?
I know you busy, girl, yeah, you got work tomorrow, yeah
– 我知道你很忙,女孩,是的,你明天有工作,是的
You don’t go to clubs, no, that’s why your money long, long
– 你不去俱乐部,不,这就是为什么你的钱很长很长

Baby girl, you should come through in your spare time
– 宝贝,你应该在业余时间过来
Where are you in your spare time?
– 你的业余时间在哪里?
Hey girl, won’t you come through in your spare time?
– 嘿,女孩,你能在业余时间过来吗?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, in your spare time
– 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,在你的业余时间

Oh girl, you know I wish I could hit you right now
– 哦,女孩,你知道我希望我现在能打你
You know exactly what would go down
– 你知道会发生什么
I’ve been up and down your whole page
– 我在你的整个页面上翻来复去
Thinking ’bout you screaming my name
– 想着你喊我的名字

What you doing in your spare time?
– 你在业余时间做什么?
Can I do you in your spare time?
– 业余时间我能帮你吗?
What you doing when you get home from work?
– 你下班回家后做什么?
If you need it like me, could you swing by?
– 如果你像我一样需要它,你能过来吗?

Know your career on a incline
– 了解你的职业生涯
Baby, I don’t need a set time
– 宝贝,我不需要固定的时间
Early in the morning or late at night
– 清晨或深夜
Know you got a little spare time
– 知道你有一点空闲时间吗?

Come through, come through, what you doing in your spare time?
– 过来,过来,你在业余时间做什么?
Come through, come through, can I do you in your spare time?
– 过来,过来,我能在你的业余时间帮你吗?
I know you busy, girl, yeah, you got work tomorrow, yeah
– 我知道你很忙,女孩,是的,你明天有工作,是的
You don’t go to clubs, no, that’s why your money long, long
– 你不去俱乐部,不,这就是为什么你的钱很长很长

Baby girl, you should come through in your spare time
– 宝贝,你应该在业余时间过来
Where are you in your spare time?
– 你的业余时间在哪里?
Hey girl, won’t you come through in your spare time?
– 嘿,女孩,你能在业余时间过来吗?
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, in your spare time
– 哦,哦,哦,哦,哦,在你的业余时间

I know you working, baby
– 我知道你在工作,宝贝
I know you got hoes on your line
– 我知道你有锄头
I know you busy, baby
– 我知道你很忙宝贝
Won’t take up too much of your time
– 不会占用你太多时间
I know you nasty, baby
– 我知道你很讨厌,宝贝
I know you need that in your life
– 我知道你生活中需要这个
So, I’ma just creep up from behind
– 所以,我只是从后面爬起来
You at your friend house, I don’t mind
– 你在你朋友家,我不介意

Come through, come through, what you doing in your spare time?
– 过来,过来,你在业余时间做什么?
Come through, come through, can I do you in your spare time?
– 过来,过来,我能在你的业余时间帮你吗?
I know you busy, girl, yeah, you got work tomorrow, yeah
– 我知道你很忙,女孩,是的,你明天有工作,是的
You don’t go to clubs, no, that’s why your money long, long
– 你不去俱乐部,不,这就是为什么你的钱很长很长

Baby girl, you should come through in your spare time
– 宝贝,你应该在业余时间过来
Where are you in your spare time?
– 你的业余时间在哪里?
Is you at the crib or nah?
– 你是在婴儿床还是不?
Is you at the job or nah?
– 你是在工作还是没有?
Is you in the bed or nah?
– 你在床上还是不在床上?
In need of some head or nah?
– 需要一些头还是不?
Just let me know
– 告诉我就行了
Just let me know girl, when you got some spare time
– 只要让我知道女孩,当你有一些空闲时间






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