Frank Sinatra & Julio Iglesias – Summer Wind 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

The summer wind came blowin’ in from across the sea
– 夏天的风从大海对面吹来
It lingered there, to touch your hair and walk with me
– 它在那里徘徊,抚摸你的头发,和我一起走
All summer long we sang a song and then we strolled that golden sand
– 整个夏天,我们唱了一首歌,然后漫步在金色的沙滩上
Two sweethearts and the summer wind
– 两个情人和夏天的风

Like painted kites, those days and nights they went flyin’ by
– 就像画好的风筝一样,他们飞来飞去的那些日子和夜晚
The world was new beneath a blue umbrella sky
– 在蓝伞的天空下,世界是新的
Then softer than a piper man, one day it called to you
– 然后比吹笛者更柔软,有一天它呼唤你
I lost you, I lost you to the summer wind
– 我失去了你,我失去了你夏天的风

The autumn wind, and the winter winds they have come and gone
– 秋风,冬风他们来来去去
And still the days, those lonely days, they go on and on
– 仍然是那些日子,那些孤独的日子,他们继续下去
And guess who sighs his lullabies through nights that never end?
– 猜猜谁在永无止境的夜晚叹息他的摇篮曲?
My fickle friend, the summer wind
– 我善变的朋友,夏天的风

The summer wind
– 夏日的风
Warm summer wind
– 温暖的夏日风
The summer wind
– 夏日的风





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