Grace – No Fool 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物
I’ve been down every day for the past week
– 在过去的一周里,我每天都很沮丧
I’m a wreck and I hate that I can’t sleep
– 我是一个沉船,我讨厌我睡不着

I’ve got something to prove
– 我有事要证明
Cause I know my mama raised no fool
– 因为我知道我妈妈没有养大傻瓜
But I’m not over you
– 但我没有忘记你

Everything that I do
– 我所做的一切
It reminds me of you cause you were someone I used to love
– 它让我想起你因为你是我曾经爱过的人

I don’t follow my rules
– 我不遵守我的规则
Because I don’t wanna be a fool
– 因为我不想当傻瓜
But I’m not over you
– 但我没有忘记你

I believed the lies you used to tell
– 我相信你曾经说过的谎言
Nobody played me like I played myself
– 没有人像我自己一样耍我
So put the blame on me put the blame on me
– 所以把责任推到我身上把责任推到我身上

But wait you, you were the one that hurt me
– 但等等你,是你伤害了我
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物
Wait I have got no time to worry
– 等等,我没有时间担心
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物

J’ai plus le temps
– J’ai加le temps
J’avance sans pression
– J’avance sans pression
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物

J’ai plus le temps
– J’ai加le temps
J’avance sans pression
– J’avance sans pression
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物

I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物
Now I switch up the mood cause I’m so done
– 现在我改变了心情,因为我已经完成了
With investing my tears into someone
– 把我的眼泪投入到某人身上
Everything how it should be meaning that I never lose
– 一切如何应该是意味着我永远不会失去
Boy I’m over you
– 天啊,我已经忘了你了

I was nice way too nice then I realized
– 我很好,太好了,然后我意识到
I’m too sweet, I should leave, lost my appetite
– 我太甜了,我应该离开,失去了我的胃口
I was stuck, out of luck, but I’m better now and I gotta move
– 我被困住了,运气不好,但我现在好多了,我得走了
Boy I’m over you
– 天啊,我已经忘了你了

I believed the lies you used to tell
– 我相信你曾经说过的谎言
Nobody played me like I played myself
– 没有人像我自己一样耍我
So put the blame on me put the blame on me
– 所以把责任推到我身上把责任推到我身上

But wait you, you were the one that hurt me
– 但等等你,是你伤害了我
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物
Wait I have got no time to worry
– 等等,我没有时间担心
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物

J’ai plus le temps
– J’ai加le temps
J’avance sans pression
– J’avance sans pression

I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物
J’ai plus le temps
– J’ai加le temps
J’avance sans pression
– J’avance sans pression
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物

But wait you, you were the one that hurt me
– 但等等你,是你伤害了我
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物
Wait I have got no time to worry
– 等等,我没有时间担心
I gotta be somebody
– 我要成为某人

J’ai plus le temps
– J’ai加le temps
J’avance sans pression
– J’avance sans pression
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物

J’ai plus le temps
– J’ai加le temps
J’avance sans pression
– J’avance sans pression
I got to be somebody
– 我一定是个大人物






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