Jay-Z & Linkin Park – Numb/Encore 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

Thank you, thank you, thank you, you’re far too kind
– 谢谢,谢谢,谢谢,你太客气了

A y’ ready?
– 准备好了吗?

Now can I get an encore, do you want more
– 现在我可以再来一次吗,你还要吗?
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
– 与布鲁克林男孩生煮
So for one last time I need y’all to roar
– 所以我最后一次需要你们大吼大叫

Now what the hell are you waitin for
– 你到底在等什么
After me, there shall be no more
– 在我之后,将不再有
So for one last time, nigga make some noise
– 所以最后一次,黑鬼发出一些噪音

Get em Jay
– 找到杰伊

Who you know fresher than Hov’? Riddle me that
– 你认识谁比霍夫更新鲜? 给我猜个谜
The rest of y’all know where I’m lyrically at
– 其余的人都知道我在哪里抒情
Can’t none of y’all mirror me back
– 你们都不能把我照回来吗?
Yeah hearin me rap is like hearin G. Rap in his prime
– 是啊,听我的说唱就像听G的说唱
I’m, young H.O., rap’s Grateful Dead
– 我,年轻的H.O.,说唱的感激之情死了
Back to take over the globe, now break bread
– 回到接管全球,现在吃面包
I’m in, Boeing jets, Global Express
– 我在,波音喷气式飞机,环球快车
Out the country but the blueberry still connect
– 出了国,但蓝莓仍然连接
On the low but the yacht got a triple deck
– 在低处,但游艇有三层甲板
But when you Young, what the fuck you expect? Yep, yep
– 但当你年轻的时候,你他妈的期望什么? 是的,是的
Grand openin, grand closin
– Grand openin,grand closin
God damn your man Hov’ cracked the can open again
– 该死的,你的人又把罐子打开了
Who you gon’ find doper than him with no pen
– 你会发现谁比他没有笔
Just draw off inspiration
– 只是汲取灵感
Soon you gon’ see you can’t replace him
– 很快你就会发现你无法取代他
With cheap imitations for DESE GENERATIONS
– 与代代相传的廉价仿制品

Now can I get an encore, do you want more
– 现在我可以再来一次吗,你还要吗?
Cookin raw with the Brooklyn boy
– 与布鲁克林男孩生煮
So for one last time I need y’all to roar
– 所以我最后一次需要你们大吼大叫

Now what the hell are you waitin for
– 你到底在等什么
After me, there shall be no more
– 在我之后,将不再有
So for one last time, nigga make some noise
– 所以最后一次,黑鬼发出一些噪音

What the hell are you waiting for
– 你还在等什么

Look what you made me do, look what I made for you
– 看看你让我做了什么,看看我为你做了什么
Knew if I paid my dues, how will they pay you
– 知道如果我付了会费,他们会怎么付给你
When you first come in the game, they try to play you
– 当你第一次进入游戏时,他们会试着玩你
Then you drop a couple of hits, look how they wave to you
– 然后你投几支命中率,看看他们是怎么向你招手的
From Marcy to Madison Square
– 马西出发到麦迪逊广场
To the only thing that matters in just a matter of years (yea)
– 在短短几年内唯一重要的事情(是的)
As fate would have it, Jay’s status appears
– 正如命运所希望的那样,杰伊的地位出现了
To be at an all-time high, perfect time to say goodbye
– 在一个历史最高点,完美的时间说再见
When I come back like Jordan, wearin the 4-5
– 当我像乔丹一样回来时,我们是4-5
It ain’t to play games witchu
– 这不是玩游戏witchu
It’s to aim at you, probably maim you
– 这是为了瞄准你,可能是残害你
If I owe you I’m blowin you to smithereeens
– 如果我欠你的,我就把你吹得粉碎
Cocksucker take one for your team
– 混蛋拿一个给你的团队
And I need you to remember one thing (one thing)
– 我需要你记住一件事(一件事)
I came, I saw, I conquered
– 我来了,我看到了,我征服了
From record sales, to sold out concerts
– 从唱片销售到售罄的音乐会
So muh’fucker if you want this encore
– 所以muh’fucker如果你想要这个安可
I need you to scream, ’til your lungs get sore
– 我要你尖叫,直到你的肺部疼痛

I’m tired of being what you want me to be
– 我厌倦了做你想让我做的样子
Feeling so faithless lost under the surface
– 在表面下失去了如此忠诚的感觉
Don’t know what you’re expecting of me
– 不知道你对我有什么期待
Put under the pressure of walking in your shoes
– 在你的鞋子里走路的压力下
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
– (被困在暗流中)
Every step that I take is another mistake to you
– 我走的每一步对你来说都是另一个错误
(Caught in the undertow just caught in the undertow)
– (被困在暗流中)
And every second I waste is more than I can take
– 我浪费的每一秒都是我所能承受的

I’ve become so numb I can’t feel you there
– 我变得麻木了,感觉不到你在那里
I’ve become so tired so much more aware
– 我越来越累了
I’m becoming this all I want to do
– 我正在成为我想做的一切
Is be more like me and be less like you
– 是更像我,少像你

I’ve become so numb
– 我变得如此麻木
Can I get an encore, do you want more (more…)
– 我可以得到一个安可,你想要更多(更多。..)
I’ve become so numb
– 我变得如此麻木
So for one last time I need y’all to roar
– 所以我最后一次需要你们大吼大叫
One last time I need y’all to roar
– 最后一次我需要你们大吼大叫






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