Moloko – Fun For Me 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I dreamt that I was dreaming
– 我梦见我在做梦
I was wired to a clock
– 我被连接到一个时钟上
I tinkle by the minute, hey
– 我一分钟就叮当作响,嘿
Tick tock, tick tick tock
– 滴答滴答滴答滴答滴答
I dream I’m on a train
– 我梦见我在火车上
And it is making music
– 它正在制作音乐
I don’t remember getting off
– 我不记得下车了
Klickity klick, klickity klick
– Klickity克里克,klickity克里克
I dreamt that I was very tall
– 我梦见我很高
I was bigger than King Kong
– 我比金刚还大
I heard the bell, the bells
– 我听到了钟声,钟声
A ringing a ding dong, a ding dong
– 一个响声一个叮咚一个叮咚
I dreamt that I am sitting
– 我梦见我坐着
In the Devil’s company
– 在魔鬼的陪伴下
He made a solemn promise
– 他郑重承诺
Fee fi fo fun, for me
– 费fi fo乐趣,对我来说
I dreamt that I was chasing
– 我梦见我在追
The Monster out of me
– 我身上的怪物
I got him in a corner
– 我把他关在角落里
A ha ha, hee hee hee hee
– 啊哈哈嘻嘻嘻嘻
I dream I’m in a tunnel
– 我梦见我在隧道里
Between here and now
– 从现在到现在
Scooby Dooby
– 史酷比Dooby
A where would you be?
– A你会在哪里?
Bow wow wow wow
– 弓哇哇哇哇
I dream I’m at a crossroads
– 我梦想我在十字路口
No place left to go
– 没地方可去了
I look in each direction
– 我朝每个方向看
A iney, a meeny, a miney moe
– 一个iney,一个meeny,一个miney moe
I dreamt that I expired
– 我梦见我过期了
If you aren’t looking dead
– 如果你看起来没死
There’s a knocking at the window
– 有人在敲窗户
A rat tat tat tat, a rat tat tat
– 缧rat tat tat
I dream I am an ostrich
– 我梦见我是鸵鸟
Head deep in the sand
– 在沙子深处头
There’s a rhythm that’s a playin’
– 有一种节奏是一种戏剧
Fantastic elastic band
– 梦幻般的松紧带
Na na na
– 呐呐呐
I dreamt that the boogie man
– 我梦见那个布吉男
Went down on Mr. Spock
– 打倒了斯波克先生
Sugar was’a flowin’
– 糖在流动
Shock it to ’em sock
– 让他们震惊
I dreamt I saw a moo cow
– 我梦见我看到一头哞哞的牛
Jump across the moon
– 跳过月亮
Just to fly the fan says
– 只是为了飞风扇说
Zoom, zoom, zoom
– 缩放,缩放,缩放
I dreamt I meet a space man
– 我梦见我遇见一个太空人
He took me to his ship
– 他把我带到他的船上
Ya know he cut my hair off
– 你知道他把我的头发剪掉了
Snip, snip, snip
– 剪,剪,剪
I dreamt that I was sleeping
– 我梦见我在睡觉
Asleep for heaven’s sake
– 看在上帝的份上睡着了
I dreamt I was a dreaming
– 我梦见我是一个梦
It cause me to awake
– 它使我清醒
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
I dreamt I was way up
– 我梦见我很高
I was standing on the top
– 我站在山顶上
With the feeling I was falling
– 我有一种跌倒的感觉
Floppy flop
– 软盘翻牌
I dreamt that I’m jumping
– 我梦见我在跳
In the circus through a hoop
– 在马戏团通过一个箍
Some one shut the lights off
– 有人把灯关了
Shopp dee doo
– Shopp迪斗
I dreamt that I was fast
– 我梦见我很快
I was never shuttin’ up
– 我从来没有闭嘴
I was goin’ in a hurry
– 我赶着去
I was giddy yup, giddy yup
– 我是头晕,头晕
I dream I’m in the park
– 我梦见我在公园里
I’m standing in the nudie
– 我站在女厕所里
Getting what I want
– 得到我想要的
Tutti fruity, tutti fruity
– Tutti fruity脳梅脮脽拢潞露矛脢脟脌脧脦氓
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me, fun for me
– 我的乐趣,我的乐趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣
Fee fi foe, fun for me
– Fee fi foe,对我来说很有趣
Fun for me
– 对我来说很有趣






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