Nasty C – Can’t Imagine 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I can’t imagine my kingly self
– 我无法想象我的王权自我
Trying to mingle with y’all
– 想和你们混在一起
Or talking down on those above me just to fish for applause
– 或者对我上面的人说话只是为了赢得掌声
They try to come at me
– 他们想冲我来
Only to have me zip up their jaws
– 只是让我把他们的下巴拉上拉链

I pick their business apart
– 我把他们的生意分开
I get their children involved
– 我让他们的孩子参与进来
I should cut them at their knees
– 我应该割断他们的膝盖
I should cripple you all
– 我应该让你们都瘫痪
I should bury a nigga then tweet “We missing you dawg”
– 我应该埋葬一个黑鬼然后发推文”我们想念你,伙计”
I can’t believe you think we even, bitch
– 真不敢相信你以为我们连,婊子
Your vision is flawed
– 你的视力有缺陷

I’m in the league
– 我在联盟里
Where you niggas never existed at all
– 你们这些黑鬼根本就不存在
Y’all never knew this was possible
– 你们都不知道这是可能的
But y’all swear y’all deserve it
– 但你们发誓你们应得的
I been flyin’ the flag while y’all analyzing my turbulence
– 当你们分析我的湍流时,我一直在飘动国旗
Y’all can cross me on purpose
– 你们可以故意出卖我
But y’all know all of you purposeless
– 但你们都知道你们所有人毫无目的
I’m the motherfuckin’ army
– 我是他妈的军队

Thank me all for my services
– 谢谢大家的服务
You bunch of suburban kids
– 你们这群郊区的孩子
Bitch, you know you ain’t hurtin’ shit
– 婊子,你知道你不会受伤的
When I feel unsatisfied with the game
– 当我对游戏感到不满意时
I refurbish it
– 我翻新它
Then you sit on my furniture
– 然后你坐在我的家具上
Like your grandmother purchased it
– 就像你祖母买的那样

You gettin’ too comfortable
– 你太舒服了
Hey watch your words kid
– 嘿,小心你的话,孩子
I keep my weapon on me ’cause I got some enemies
– 我把我的武器放在我身上,因为我有一些敌人
I’mma stop confrontin’ niggas right by some witnesses
– 我不要再和黑鬼面对面了
Cause God forbid they touch me
– 因为上帝不允许他们碰我
Then we all catch sentences
– 然后我们都抓住句子

And I don’t trust my shooters neither
– 我也不相信我的射手
They on some vicious shit
– 他们在一些恶毒的狗屎上
We keep our distances
– 我们保持距离
Minding our businesses
– 关注我们的业务
Smile when they filming us ’cause we hide behind innocence
– 当他们拍摄我们的时候微笑,因为我们隐藏在纯真的背后
‘Cause we poppin’ like blemishes
– 因为我们像污点一样胡闹
Special treatment at embasies
– Embasies的特殊待遇
Here at home, and overseas, pussy
– 在这里,在家里,在海外,娘们

Sho mati (sho case)
– Sho mati(sho案例)
Sho case (sho case)
– Sho case(sho case)
Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!
– 呜! 呜! 呜! 呜!
– 安迪霍拉佛!

I can’t imagine me at 30 power tweeting in my room
– 我无法想象我在30权力在我的房间里发推文
About a dude and being so over the moon about it
– 关于一个男人,对它如此着迷

While in my bank I’m seeing O’s a lot, and not the ones we boast about
– 在我的银行里,我看到的是很多,而不是我们夸耀的
And post about how I’m making a move about it
– 然后发一篇关于我如何采取行动的文章
Just to be a msoon’ about it
– 只是为了成为一个msoon’关于它
And cross my fingers
– 交叉我的手指
And just hope that he won’t have nothing to do about it
– 只是希望他不会无事可做






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