Natasha Bedingfield – Touch 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I was tryna cross the street when I tripped and spilled my coffee
– 当我绊倒并洒了我的咖啡时,我正试图穿过街道
On a man who yelled at me, then he walked off in a hurry
– 在一个对我大喊大叫的男人身上,然后他匆匆走了
Now he’s gonna be late for work, so he called his secretary
– 现在他上班要迟到了,所以他打电话给他的秘书
Said to cancel his appointment with the guy in the lobby
– 说取消他和大厅里那个家伙的约会

Who’s been waiting for a while and talking on the phone
– 谁已经等了一段时间,在电话里说话了?
Got invited to a party and thought he couldn’t go
– 被邀请参加一个聚会,以为他不能去
But he’s here right now, standing in my house
– 但他现在就在这里,站在我家里
And someone turns the music loud
– 有人把音乐大声

So we dance and we laugh, and we touch
– 所以我们跳舞,我们笑,我们触摸
Yeah, we dance and we laugh, and we touch
– 是的,我们跳舞,我们笑,我们触摸
Gonna party all night ’til the sun comes up
– 整晚都要开派对,直到太阳升起
‘Cause it feels like the world disappears around us
– 因为感觉我们周围的世界消失了
When we dance, when we laugh, when we touch
– 当我们跳舞,当我们笑,当我们触摸

I was planning out my party, running errands ’round the city
– 我在计划我的派对,在城市里跑腿
Grocery bags full of alcohol and chocolate chip cookies
– 装满酒精和巧克力饼干的杂货袋
Saw a dress that was amazing in the window of a boutique
– 在精品店的橱窗里看到一件令人惊叹的衣服
So I went across the street, then my heel broke and it threw me
– 所以我走到街对面,然后我的脚后跟断了,它把我扔了

I tried to catch my balance but I was supposed to fall
– 我试图抓住我的平衡,但我应该摔倒
It seems that spilling coffee was no accident at all
– 看来洒咖啡根本不是偶然
‘Cause you’re here right now, sitting on my couch
– 因为你现在就在这里,坐在我的沙发上
Funny how it all works out
– 有趣的是,这一切是如何运作的

So we dance and we laugh, and we touch
– 所以我们跳舞,我们笑,我们触摸
Yeah, we dance and we laugh, and we touch
– 是的,我们跳舞,我们笑,我们触摸
Gonna party all night ’til the sun comes up
– 整晚都要开派对,直到太阳升起
‘Cause it feels like the world disappears around us
– 因为感觉我们周围的世界消失了
When we dance, when we laugh, when we touch
– 当我们跳舞,当我们笑,当我们触摸

Every choice we’re making, every road we take
– 我们所做的每一个选择,我们所走的每一条路
Every interaction starts a chain reaction
– 每一次互动都会引发连锁反应
We’re both affected when we least expected it
– 当我们最意想不到的时候,我们都受到影响
And when we touched then it all connected
– 当我们接触到这一切的时候

Every choice we’re making, every road we take
– 我们所做的每一个选择,我们所走的每一条路
Every interaction starts a chain reaction
– 每次互动都会引发连锁反应
We’re both affected when we least expected it
– 当我们最意想不到的时候,我们都受到影响
And when we
– 当我们

When we dance and we laugh, and we touch
– 当我们跳舞,我们笑,我们触摸
When we dance, when we laugh, when we touch
– 当我们跳舞,当我们笑,当我们触摸
Gonna party all night ’til the sun comes up
– 整晚都要开派对,直到太阳升起
‘Cause it feels like the world disappears around us
– 因为感觉我们周围的世界消失了
When we dance, when we laugh, when we touch
– 当我们跳舞,当我们笑,当我们触摸

Ooh, we touch
– 哦,我们触摸
Ooh, we touch
– 哦,我们触摸
Ooh, we touch
– 哦,我们触摸
Ooh, we touch
– 哦,我们触摸






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