Passenger – The Way That I Love You 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

How many times can I tell you
– 我能告诉你多少次
You’re lovely just the way you are
– 你真可爱
Don’t let the world come and change you
– 不要让世界来改变你
Don’t let life break your heart
– 不要让生活伤透你的心
Don’t put on their mask, don’t wear their disguise
– 不要戴上他们的面具,不要戴上他们的伪装
Don’t let them dim the light that shines in your eyes
– 不要让它们使你眼中闪耀的光芒变暗
If only you could love yourself the way that I love you
– 如果你能像我爱你一样爱自己就好了

How many times can I say
– 我能说多少次
You don’t have to change a thing
– 你什么都不用改变
Don’t let the tide wash you away
– 别让潮水把你冲走
Don’t let worry ever clip your wings
– 不要让担心永远夹住你的翅膀
Discard what is fake, keep what is real
– 丢弃虚假的东西,保留真实的东西
Pursue what you love, embrace how you feel
– 追求你所爱的,拥抱你的感受
If only you could love yourself the way that I love you
– 如果你能像我爱你一样爱自己就好了

And if you ever choose a road that leads nowhere
– 如果你选择了一条无处可去的路
All alone and you can’t see right from wrong
– 独自一人,你看不到对与错
And if you ever lose yourself out there
– 如果你在那里迷失了自己
Come on home and I’ll sing you this song
– 回家吧,我给你唱这首歌

So how many times can I tell you
– 我能告诉你多少次
You’re lovely just the way you are
– 你真可爱
Don’t let the world come and change you
– 不要让世界来改变你
Don’t let life break your heart
– 不要让生活伤透你的心






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