Sabrina Carpenter – Taste 英语 歌词 & 中文 翻译本



Oh, I leave quite an impression
– 哦,我给人留下了很深的印象
Five feet to be exact
– 准确地说是五英尺
You’re wonderin’ why half his clothes went missin’
– 你在想为什么他的一半衣服不见了
My body’s where they’re at
– 我的身体就在他们所在的地方

Now I’m gone, but you’re still layin’
– 现在我走了,但你还在躺着
Next to me, one degree of separation
– 在我旁边,一个分离度

I heard you’re back together and if that’s true
– 我听说你们又复合了如果这是真的
You’ll just have to taste me when he’s kissin’ you
– 当他吻你的时候,你得尝尝我的味道
If you want forever, and I bet you do
– 如果你想永远,我打赌你会的
Just know you’ll taste me too
– 只要知道你也会尝到我的味道

– 啊哈

He pins you down on the carpet
– 他把你钉在地毯上
Makes paintings with his tongue (La-la-la-la-la-la-la)
– 用他的舌头做画(La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la)
He’s funny now, all his jokes hit different
– 他现在很有趣,他所有的笑话都不同
Guess who he learned that from?
– 猜猜他是从谁那里学来的?

Now I’m gone, but you’re still layin’
– 现在我走了,但你还在躺着
Next to me, one degree of separation
– 在我旁边,一个分离度

I heard you’re back together and if that’s true
– 我听说你们又在一起了如果这是真的
You’ll just have to taste me when he’s kissin’ you
– 当他吻你的时候,你得尝尝我的味道
If you want forever, and I bet you do (I bet you do)
– 如果你想永远,我敢打赌,你做(我敢打赌,你做)
Just know you’ll taste me too
– 只要知道你也会尝到我的味道

– 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦

Every time you close your eyes
– 每次闭上眼睛
And feel his lips, you’re feelin’ mine
– 摸摸他的嘴唇,你就摸摸我的嘴唇
And every time you breathe his air
– 每次你呼吸他的空气
Just know I was already there
– 只知道我已经在那里了
You can have him if you like
– 如果你愿意,你可以拥有他
I’ve been there, done that once or twice
– 我去过那里,做过一两次
And singin’ ’bout it don’t mean I care
– 唱这歌并不意味着我在乎
Yeah, I know I’ve been known to share
– 是啊,我知道我和别人分享过

Well, I heard you’re back together and if that’s true
– 我听说你们又复合了如果这是真的
You’ll just have to taste me when he’s kissin’ you
– 当他吻你的时候,你得尝尝我的味道
If you want forever, and I bet you do (I bet you do)
– 如果你想永远,我敢打赌,你做(我敢打赌,你做)
Just know you’ll taste me too
– 只要知道你也会尝到我的味道

Taste me too, ow (La-la-la-la-la-la-la)
– 也尝尝我,嗷(啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦)
You’ll just have to taste me when he’s kissin’ you
– 当他吻你的时候,你得尝尝我的味道
You, no, yeah, ah-ah (La-la-la-la-la-la-la)
– 你,不,是啊,啊-啊(啦-啦-啦-啦-啦-啦-啦-啦)
You’ll just have to taste me when he’s kissin’ you
– 当他吻你的时候,你得尝尝我的味道

Sabrina Carpenter



