Sting – For Her Love 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

What would a man not do?
– 一个人不会做什么呢?
What would a man not say?
– 一个人不会说什么呢?
What would a man not agree to?
– 一个人有什么不同意的呢?
What would he not betray?
– 他不会背叛什么?

Where would a man fear to trespass?
– 一个人在哪里会害怕非法侵入?
Where would a man not stray?
– 一个人不会走到哪里去呢?
What crime would a man not admit to?
– 一个人不会承认什么罪行?
What price would a man not pay?
– 一个人不付出什么代价?

(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
He’s got no money, but his head’s up in the stars
– 他没有钱,但他的头在星星上
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
He’ll spray her name across a street car
– 他会把她的名字喷到街车上
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
If he can’t read between the lines up there on Mars
– 如果他不能读懂火星上的字里行间的话
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
He’ll find some meaning in a streetlight
– 他会在路灯中找到一些意义

What would a man not consent to?
– 一个人有什么不同意的呢?
What would a man not face?
– 一个人不会面对什么?
What would a man not agree to?
– 一个人有什么不同意的呢?
What lies would a man not embrace?
– 一个人不会接受什么谎言?

(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
He’ll find a job, he’ll work his fingers to the bone
– 他会找到一份工作,他会拼命工作
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
She’s safely sleeping in the moonlight
– 她在月光下安然入睡
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
He’ll save his money, buy a place to call their own
– 他会存钱,买个地方叫自己的
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
And he will be the one she loves
– 他将是她所爱的人

By the stretch of my fingers
– 通过我的手指伸展
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
By the strength in my hands
– 凭我手中的力量
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
By the blood that flows in my veins
– 流在我血管里的血
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
By the pulse of my beating heart
– 通过我跳动的心脏的脉搏

(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
By the sun up in Heaven, by the moon and the stars
– 太阳升起在天上,月亮和星星
(For her love)
– (为了她的爱)
By the circling planets
– 由盘旋的行星
And the lines on the surface, the surface of Mars
– 以及火星表面的线条

What would a man not do
– 一个人不会做什么呢?

What would a man not say
– 一个人不会说什么呢?

For her love?
– 为了她的爱?






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