Sting – Russians 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

In Europe and America
– 在欧洲和美国
There’s a growing feeling of hysteria
– 越来越有歇斯底里的感觉
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
– 适应所有威胁
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
– 在苏联人的修辞演说中

Mr. Krushchev said we will bury you
– 克鲁舍夫先生说我们要埋葬你
I don’t subscribe to this point of view
– 我不赞同这个观点
It such an ignorant thing to do
– 这是一件无知的事
If the Russians love their children too
– 如果俄国人也爱他们的孩子

How can I save my little boy
– 我怎样才能救我的小男孩
From Oppenheimer’s deadly toy?
– 从奥本海默的致命玩具?
There is no monopoly of common sense
– 没有常识的垄断
On either side of the political fence
– 在政治围栏的两边

We share the same biology
– 我们拥有相同的生物学
Regardless of ideology
– 无论意识形态
Believe me when I say to you
– 相信我,当我对你说
I hope the Russians love their children too
– 我希望俄国人也爱他们的孩子

We share the same biology
– 我们有着相同的生物学
Regardless of ideology
– 无论意识形态
What might save us, me and you
– 什么能拯救我们,我和你
Is that the Russians love their children too
– 俄国人也爱他们的孩子吗?

We share the same biology
– 我们有着相同的生物学
Regardless of ideology
– 无论意识形态
And what might save us, me and you
– 还有什么能拯救我们,我和你
Is that the Russians love their children too
– 俄国人也爱他们的孩子吗?






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