Taco – Puttin’ On The Ritz 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

If you’re blue, and you don’t know where to go to
– 如果你是蓝色的,你不知道去哪里
Why don’t you go where fashion sits? Puttin’ on the ritz
– 你为什么不去时尚的地方呢? 穿上丽兹
Different types of wear a day coat, pants with stripes and cutaway coat
– 不同类型的穿日间外套,带条纹的裤子和剪裁外套
Perfect fits, puttin’ on the ritz
– 非常合身,穿上丽兹

Dressed up like a million-dollar trooper
– 打扮得像一个价值百万美元的警察
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super-duper)
– 努力看起来像加里*库珀(超级骗子)
Come, let’s mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks or umbrellas in their mitts
– 来吧,让我们在他们的手套里用棍棒或雨伞混合洛克菲勒走路的地方
Puttin’ on the ritz
– 穿上丽兹

Have you seen the well-to-do, up and down Park Avenue?
– 你见过公园大道上上下下的富人吗?
On that famous thoroughfare with their noses in the air?
– 在那条着名的大街上,他们的鼻子在空中?
High hats and arrow collars, white spats and lots of dollars
– 高帽和箭项圈,白色的口角和大量的美元
Spending every dime for a wonderful time
– 花每一分钱,度过美好的时光

If you’re blue, and you don’t know where to go to
– 如果你是蓝色的,你不知道去哪里
Why don’t you go where fashion sits? Puttin’ on the ritz
– 你为什么不去时尚的地方呢? 穿上丽兹
Different types of wear a day coat, pants with stripes and cutaway coat
– 不同类型的穿日间外套,带条纹的裤子和剪裁外套
Perfect fits, puttin’ on the ritz
– 非常合身,穿上丽兹

Dressed up like a million-dollar trooper
– 打扮得像一个价值百万美元的警察
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super-duper)
– 努力看起来像加里*库珀(超级骗子)
Come, let’s mix where Rockefellers walk with sticks or umbrellas in their mitts
– 来吧,让我们在他们的手套里用棍棒或雨伞混合洛克菲勒走路的地方
Puttin’ on the ritz
– 穿上丽兹

Dressed up like a million-dollar trooper
– 打扮得像一个价值百万美元的警察
Trying hard to look like Gary Cooper (super-duper)
– 努力看起来像加里*库珀(超级骗子)
If you’re blue, and you don’t know where to go to
– 如果你是蓝色的,你不知道去哪里
Why don’t you go where fashion sits? Puttin’ on the ritz, puttin’ on the ritz
– 你为什么不去时尚的地方呢? 把丽兹放在丽兹上,把丽兹放在丽兹上
Puttin’ on the ritz, puttin’ on the ritz
– 把丽兹放在丽兹上,把丽兹放在丽兹上

Downtown, uptown, get your kicks at the Ritz
– 市中心,住宅区,到丽兹去玩吧
Dine and wine, but not ’til nine, the time is right for us tonight
– 用餐和葡萄酒,但不是’直到九,我们今晚的时间是正确的
We gotta move, move to the rhythm
– 我们得跟着节奏走
We can
– 我们可以
Move, dance to the rhythm, nice and easy
– 移动,跳舞的节奏,很好,很容易
I want ya to move
– 我要你搬走
Puttin’ it on, puttin’ it on
– 穿上,穿上
Puttin’ it on, puttin’ it on
– 穿上,穿上
The R-I-T-Z
– R-I-T-Z
How ’bout you and me zest?
– 你和我的热情怎么样?

Gotta dance
– 得跳舞

Gotta dance
– 得跳舞

Gotta dance
– 得跳舞






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