The Last Shadow Puppets – My Mistakes Were Made For You 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

About as subtle as an earthquake, I know
– 我知道,就像地震一样微妙
My mistakes were made for you
– 我的错误是为你而犯的
And in the back room of a bad dream she came
– 在一个噩梦的后屋里,她来了
And whisked me away, enthused
– 把我带走,热情地

And it’s as solid as a rock rolling down a hill
– 它就像岩石从山上滚下来一样坚固
The fact is that it probably will hit something
– 事实是,它可能会击中一些东西
On the hazardous terrain
– 在危险的地形上

And we’re just following the flock
– 我们只是跟着羊群走
‘Round and in between, before we’re smashed to smithereens
– 在我们被砸成碎片之前,来回走动
Like they were
– 就像他们一样
And we scramble from the blame
– 我们从责备中挣扎

And it’s the fame that put words in her mouth
– 是名声把话塞进了她的嘴里
She couldn’t help but spit ’em out
– 她忍不住把它们吐了出来
Innocence and arrogance entwined
– 天真与傲慢交织在一起
In the filthiest of minds
– 在最肮脏的头脑里

She was bitten on her birthday and now
– 她在生日那天被咬了,现在
A face in the crowd she’s not
– 人群中的一张脸她不是
And I suspect that now forever the shape
– 我怀疑现在永远的形状
She came to escape is forgot
– 她是来逃跑的

And it’s a lot to ask her not to sting
– 要求她不要刺痛是很重要的
And give her less than everything
– 给她的东西少于一切
Around your crooked conscience she will wind
– 在你歪曲的良心周围,她会风起云涌

‘Cause we’re just following the flock
– 因为我们只是跟着羊群走
‘Round and in between, before we’re smashed to smithereens
– 在我们被砸成碎片之前,来回走动
Like they were
– 就像他们一样
And we scramble from the blame
– 我们从责备中挣扎

And it’s the fame that put words in her mouth
– 是名声把话塞进了她的嘴里
She couldn’t help but spit ’em out
– 她忍不住把它们吐了出来
Around your crooked conscience she will wind
– 在你歪曲的良心周围,她会风起云涌

And it’s a lot to ask her not to sting
– 要求她不要刺痛是很重要的
And give her less than everything
– 给她的东西少于一切
Innocence and arrogance entwined
– 天真与傲慢交织在一起





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