Vance Joy – Missing Piece 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I’ve been waiting for the tides to change
– 我一直在等待潮汐的改变
For the waves to send you my way
– 为海浪送你我的路
I see you darling, but you pixilate
– 我看到你了,亲爱的,但你疯了
It gets hard to take these days
– 这些日子很难熬

But we’ll hold the line, I won’t let go
– 但我们会守住防线,我不会放手
‘Cause I’ll be there when you can finally make it home
– 因为当你终于回家的时候,我会在那里
And I don’t mind ’cause we both know
– 我不介意因为我们都知道
That we’ll be fine when you can finally make it home
– 等你终于回家了,我们就没事了

Because when I’m in a room with you
– 因为当我和你在一个房间里的时候
That missing piece is found
– 丢失的那块找到了
You know when you’re by my side
– 你知道当你在我身边
Darling, nothing can bring us down
– 亲爱的,没有什么能把我们打倒

I remember happy wasted days
– 我记得快乐浪费的日子
Summers golden haze in our eyes
– 夏天金色的阴霾在我们的眼睛
Lifting you above the breaking waves
– 把你抬到破浪之上
Memories floating back to my mind
– 回忆飘回脑海

You said hold the line, I won’t let go
– 你说守住线我不放手
‘Cause I’ll be there when you can finally make it home
– 因为当你终于回家的时候,我会在那里
And I don’t mind ’cause we both know
– 我不介意因为我们都知道
That we’ll be fine when you can finally make it home
– 等你终于回家了,我们就没事了

Because when I’m in a room with you
– 因为当我和你在一个房间里的时候
That missing piece is found
– 丢失的那块找到了
You know when you’re by my side
– 你知道当你在我身边
Darling, nothing can bring us down
– 亲爱的,没有什么能把我们打倒
It’s like when you’re far away from me
– 就像你离我很远
I get lost in the crowd
– 我迷失在人群中
Because when I’m in a room with you
– 因为当我和你在一个房间里的时候
That missing piece is found
– 丢失的那块找到了

Oh-oh, I won’t waste a minute when you’re here
– 哦-哦,我不会浪费一分钟,当你在这里
And we’re finally in the clear
– 我们终于清清楚楚了
When every day is like the last
– 当每一天都像最后一样
I just keeping holding fast
– 我只是紧紧抓住

Because when I’m in a room with you
– 因为当我和你在一个房间里的时候
That missing piece is found
– 丢失的那块找到了
You know when you’re by my side
– 你知道当你在我身边
Darling, nothing can bring us down
– 亲爱的,没有什么能把我们打倒
It’s like when you’re far away from me
– 就像你离我很远
I get lost in the crowd
– 我迷失在人群中
Because when I’m in a room with you
– 因为当我和你在一个房间里的时候
That missing piece is found
– 丢失的那块找到了






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