Yung Lean – Ginseng Strip 2002 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

– 2003
Arizona Iced Out Boys
– 亚利桑那冰镇男孩
Yung Leandoer, shawty
– Yung Leandoer,肖蒂
Emotional boys, 2001
– 情感男孩,2001
Emotional shawties in this bitch
– 情绪shawties在这个婊子
– 马卡维利

Bitches come and go, brah
– 母狗来来去去,兄弟
But you know I stay
– 但你知道我留下来
Bitches come and go, brah
– 母狗来来去去,兄弟
But you know I stay
– 但你知道我留下来
Got my balls licked
– 我的蛋蛋被舔了
By a Zooey Deschanel look-alike cocaine addict
– 一个看起来像可卡因瘾君子的Zooey Deschanel
Razor blade to your head
– 剃刀刀片到你的头上

Conflict, I’m a contradicted shit
– 冲突,我是一个矛盾的狗屎
Peeing on old people’s houses is an inflict
– 在老人的房子上撒尿是一种伤害
2003 shit
– 2003狗屎
This ain’t no splitting bills shit
– 这不是分账单
I’ma peel banana skids
– 我要剥香蕉片
While listenin’ to R. Kelly’s greatest hits
– 听着R.凯利最伟大的成功

Yung Lean in the club
– 容瘦在俱乐部
For some morphine (morphine)
– 对于一些吗啡(吗啡)
Yung Lean up in the club
– 容身在俱乐部
For some morphine (morphine)
– 对于一些吗啡(吗啡)

Poppin’ pills like zits
– 像青春痘一样的药丸
While someone vomits on your mosquito tits
– 当有人在你的蚊子乳头上呕吐时
Slitting wrists while dark evil spirits like Slytherin
– 当像斯莱特林这样的黑暗邪灵时,割腕

Slither in with tricks, I’m sick
– 用诡计溜进去,我病了
Acid trip makes my spitting sick
– 酸旅行让我吐痰生病
And makes me start hitting chicks
– 让我开始打小鸡
Knitting thick, shitting quick, fitting dick
– 编织厚,快速,合身的老二
Like transmitting shit with an AIDS stick
– 就像用艾滋病棒传播狗屎一样
Think you’re gay as fuck like a fish stick
– 以为你是同性恋他妈的像鱼棒
Tequila shots and salt licks
– 龙舌兰酒和盐舔
Getting balls in your face like a free kick
– 让球在你的脸上像任意球
Yung Lean stays motherfuckin’ freaky (bitch)
– 容瘦保持他妈的怪异(婊子)

Yung Lean in the club
– 容瘦在俱乐部
For some morphine (morphine)
– 对于一些吗啡(吗啡)
Yung Lean up in the club
– 容身在俱乐部
For some morphine (morphine)
– 对于一些吗啡(吗啡)

Rotten teeth like Gargamel
– 腐烂的牙齿像格格巫
Cast a spell, you keep on tryin’ to yell
– 施一个咒语,你就不停地大喊大叫
Bet your dead body stinks worse than my S’well
– 我敢打赌你的尸体比我的尸体还臭
Well, Lean expels
– 好吧,精益驱逐
Diagrams as if they were made in Excel
– 图表就好像它们是在Excel中制作的
Fuck fat hoes like Adele
– 他妈的脂肪锄头像阿黛尔

Get my dick stuck inside a lampshell
– 把我的老二插在灯壳里
Get it out with sperm cells and hair gel
– 用精子细胞和发胶把它弄出来
Swim in Mexico, mademoiselle
– 在墨西哥游泳,小姐
Point and laugh while he fell
– 指着笑,而他倒下
Who’s laughing now, now that I’m explosive like Alfred Nobel?
– 现在谁在笑,现在我像阿尔弗雷德*诺贝尔一样爆炸?
Yung Lean only attracts an older clientele
– 容瘦只吸引老顾客
Very well (bitch)
– 很好(婊子)






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