
About Bosnian Language

Bosnian (Bosnian: Bosanski jejet, Bosanski) is the official language of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is officially written in Latin. It can also be written in Cyrillic alphabet. Bosnian is estimated to be used by 4 to 5 million people and is similar to Serbian and Croatian in terms of origin, structure and vocabulary. It is […]


Countries Where Bosnian Language Is Used

The Bosnian language is used as the mother tongue in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Most commonly used Bosnian words and sentences

Volim Te. = I Love You. Dobar dan. = Good day. Zdravo. = Hello Kako ste? = How are you? Kako si? = How are you? Dobro sam, hvala. Thank you. Kako se zovete? = What is your name? Kako se zoveÅ? = What’s your name? Zovem se sign. = My name is Burcu. Ja […]


Bosnian Language Grammar

In Bosnian language, objects have sex. Masculine objects usually end with a quiet letter. Neutral ones usually end up with an “O”. With a few exceptions, these rules are always valid. For Example: Olovka = Pencil (Feminine) Sat = Time (Masculine)) Staklo = Glass Neutral) Names are words used to describe people, place, and anything […]