
About Dialect

Polish is used as the official language in Poland and the European Union.It is known to be spoken by about 40 million people on Earth.. The Indo-European family of languages is located in the Slavic group. Polish is very similar to Czech and Slovak languages Located on the roof of Slavic languages. Poland, under the […]


The most widely spoken countries of dialect;

Poland Belarus Bosnia And Herzegovina Czech Republic Ukraine Lithuania Slovakia


Most Used Dialect Words and sentences

Jak masz na imie?=What is your name? Jaka twoja praca gesture?=What do you do? mój nauczyciel = teacher. Miło Mi cię poznać.=Nice to meet you. Skąd jesteś?=Where Are you from? Ile masz lat?=How old are you? Mam 20 lat.=20 years old. Dziękuję CI bardzo.=Thank you very much. Zapraszamy.=You’re welcome. Przepraszam.Sorry. Nie martw się!=Don’t worry! Rozumiem […]