
About Kirghiz Language

It is a Turkish language that belongs to the Kipchak group, which is one of the branches of the Altay languages of Kyrgyz or Kyrgyz Turkish language.It shows close features with Kazakh. About 5 million people are talking. Is used as the official language in Kyrgyzstan and the people’s Republic of China.


The most commonly used Kirghiz words and sentences

= Good Morning Thank You Alice= goodbye Thank you See you again Comment= see you tomorrow Beam= good evening Alice= welcome Мен кайгылуумун.= I am impersonal. Мен ачкамун.= Hungry. Мен Француз тили уйронуу датам.= I’m learning French. Мен турмушка чыгам.= Married. Мен чарчадым.= I’m tired. Мен жакшыймын.= I’m fine. Мен Англияда торолдум.= I was born […]