Sam Fender – Seventeen Going Under 英語 歌詞 中國人 翻譯

I remember, the sickness was forever
– 我记得,疾病是永远的
I remember snuff videos
– 我记得鼻烟视频
Cold Septembers, the distances we covered
– 寒冷的九月,我们所复盖的距离
The fist fights on the beach, the Bizzies round us up
– 拳头在海滩上打架,嘶嘶声围着我们

Do it all again next week, an embryonic love
– 下周再来一次,一场胚胎之爱
The first time that it scarred
– 第一次伤痕累累
Embarrass yourself for someone
– 为某人难堪
Crying like a child
– 哭得像个孩子

And the boy who kicked Tom’s head in
– 还有那个踢汤姆头的男孩
Still bugs me now
– 现在还在烦我
That’s the thing it lingers
– 这就是它挥之不去的东西
And claws you when you’re down
– 当你倒下的时候,用爪子抓你

I was far too scared to hit him
– 我吓得不敢打他
But I would hit him in a heartbeat now
– 但我现在会立刻打他
That’s the thing with anger
– 这是愤怒的事情
It begs to stick around
– 它乞求留下来

So it can fleece you of your beauty
– 这样它就能剥去你的美丽
And leave you spent with nothing to offer
– 让你一无所有
Makes you hurt the ones who love you
– 让你伤害爱你的人
You hurt them like they’re nothing
– 你伤害他们就像他们什么都不是

(Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh)
– (哦-哦-哦-哦,哦-哦)
You hurt them like they’re nothing
– 你伤害他们就像他们什么都不是
(Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh)
– (哦-哦-哦-哦,哦-哦)
You hurt them like they’re nothing
– 你伤害他们就像他们什么都不是
(Oh-oh-oh-oh, oh-oh)
– (哦-哦-哦-哦,哦-哦)

See I spent my teens in rage
– 看到我在愤怒中度过了十几岁
Spiralling in silence
– 在沉默中螺旋形
And I armed myself with a grin
– 我笑着武装自己
‘Cause I was always the fuckin’ joker
– 因为我一直是他妈的小丑
Buried in their humour
– 埋藏在他们的幽默中
Amongst the white noise and boy’s boys
– 在白噪音和男孩的男孩之间
Locker room talkin’ lad’s lads
– 更衣室里说话的小伙子们

Drenched in cheap drink and snide fags
– 湿透了廉价的饮料和snide fags
A mirrored picture of my old man
– 我老人的镜像
Oh God, the kid’s a dab hand
– 天啊,这孩子是个轻拍手
Canny chanter, but he looks sad
– 精明的尚特,但他看起来很伤心
God, the kid looks so sad
– 天啊,这孩子看起来很伤心

God, the kid looks so sad
– 天啊,这孩子看起来很伤心

She said the debt, the debt, the debt
– 她说债务,债务,债务
So I thought about shifting gear
– 所以我想换档
And how she wept and wept and wept
– 她是怎样哭泣、哭泣、哭泣的
Luck came and died round here
– 运气来了,死在这里

I see my mother
– 我看见我妈妈了
The DWP see a number
– DWP看到一个数字
She cries on the floor encumbered
– 她在拥挤的地板上哭泣
I’m 17 going under
– 我要17岁了

I’m 17 going under
– 我要17岁了
(Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh)
– (哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦)
I’m 17 going under
– 我要17岁了
(Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh)
– (哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦)
I’m 17 going under
– 我要17岁了
(Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh)
– (哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦)
I’m 17 going under
– 我要17岁了
(Oh-oh-oh-oh Oh-oh)
– (哦-哦-哦-哦-哦-哦)






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