بِرُوْحِي فَتَاةٌ بِالْعَفْافِ تَجَمَّلَت
– My soul girl with chastity beautified
وَفِي خَدِّهَا حَبٌ مِن الْمِسْكُ قَد نَبَت
– And in her cheek a love of Musk has sprouted
وَقَد ضَاعَ عَقْلِي
– My mind was lost
وَقَد ضَاعَ رُشْدِي مُذْ أَقبَلّتْ
– I’ve been lost since I accepted
وَلَمَّا طُلِبَتُ الْوَصْل مِنْهَا تَمَنَّعْتْ
– And when I asked her to connect, I refused
وَلَمَّا طُلِبَتُ الْوَصْل مِنْهَا تَمَنَّعْتْ
– And when I asked her to connect, I refused
بَلِّغُوْهَا إِذَا أَتَيْتُم حِمَاهَا
– Tell her if you come protect her
أَنَّنِي مِتُ فِي الْغَرَامِ فِدَاهَا
– That I died in love redeemed her
وَأُذَكُرُوْنِي لَهَا بِكُلِ جَمِيْلٍ
– And remind me of her beautifully
فَعَسَاهَا تَحِن عَسَاهَا
– She is so excited
بَلِّغُوْهَا إِذَا أَتَيْتُم حِمَاهَا
– Tell her if you come protect her
أَنَّنِي مِتُ فِي الْغَرَام فِدَاهَا
– That I died in love redeemed her
وَأصْحَبوها لِتُرْبَتِي فَعِظَامِي
– And they brought it to my soil and my bones
تَشْتَهِي أَن تَدُوْسَهَا قَدَمَاهَا
– She craves to be trampled by her feet
إِن رُوْحِي تُنَاجِيْهَا
– My soul is healing her
وَعَيْنِيّ تَسِيُر إِثْرَ خُطَاهَا
– And my eyes follow in her footsteps
لَم يَشُفَنَي سِوىَّ أَمَليِ
– Only my hope healed me
أَنَني يَوماً أَراهَا
– That one day I see her

Abdulrahman Mohammed & Mohab Omer – A Girl Within My Soul Arabic Lyrics English Translations
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