Acha Septriasa & Irwansyah – Puisi Illahi Indonesian Lyrics English Translations

Bisik angin menyapa hati
– Whispered the wind say hello to the hearts of
sampaikan rinduku menari bersama cahaya-Mu
– convey my longing to dance along the light of Thy
rangkuman cerita tertulis
– summary of the story written
ukiran jiwaku setia memeluk di senja-Mu
– carving my soul faithful embraced in the twilight-Mu

bisik angin menyapa hati
– whispered the wind say hello to the hearts of
sampaikan rinduku menari bersama cahaya-Mu
– convey my longing to dance along the light of Thy
rangkuman cerita tertulis
– summary of the story written
ukiran jiwaku setia memeluk di senja-Mu
– carving my soul faithful embraced in the twilight-Mu

ya Allah ya Rabbi
– ya Allah ya Rabbi
ya Rahman ya Rahim
– ya Rahman ya raheem
sembah sujud hanya pada-Mu
– worship only Thee

rangkaian beribu kata
– a series of thousands of words
puisi yang terindah. tercipta
– poetry is the most beautiful. created

atas nama-nama cinta
– top name-name of love
hadirkan yang terindah
– presents the most beautiful
ya Allah. ya Allah
– yes God. yes God

rangkuman cerita tertulis
– summary of the story written
ukiran jiwaku setia memeluk di senja-Mu
– carving my soul faithful embraced in the twilight-Mu

ya Allah ya Rabbi
– ya Allah ya Rabbi
ya Rahman ya Rahim
– ya Rahman ya raheem
sembah sujud hanya pada-Mu
– worship only Thee

rangkaian beribu kata
– a series of thousands of words
puisi yang terindah. tercipta
– poetry is the most beautiful. created

atas nama-nama cinta
– top name-name of love
hadirkan yang terindah
– presents the most beautiful
ya Allah. ya Allah
– yes God. yes God

rangkaian beribu kata
– a series of thousands of words
puisi yang terindah. tercipta
– poetry is the most beautiful. created

atas nama-nama cinta
– top name-name of love
hadirkan yang terindah
– presents the most beautiful
ya Allah. ya Allah
– yes God. yes God





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