Tertutup mata, hilang semua ralat di jiwa
– Blindfolded, lost all errata in the soul
Berantakan merantai ritma yang tersimpan noda
– Messy chained rhythm stored stains
Janji diputus, hati terguris
– Promise broken, heart terguris
Membawa rasa hilang tak ada
– Bring a sense of missing nothing
Ke mana kucari ganti?
– Where am I looking for a change?
Ke mana kucari dia?
– Where am I looking for him?
Umpama menantikan kepompong jadi rama-rama
– Waiting for a cocoon to be a butterfly
Di mana hilangnya cinta?
– Where is the loss of love?
Seindah bulan purnama
– As beautiful as the full moon
Untukku berpuisi, bermadah pujangga
– For me, poetry, poetry
Beralun resah, mengulit rasa rentap di jiwa
– Restless, skinning sense of rentap in the soul
Ternanti-nanti pelangi yang mewarnai dunia
– The rainbow that colors the world
Janji diputus, hati terguris
– Promise broken, heart terguris
Membawa rasa hilang tak ada
– Bring a sense of missing nothing
Ke mana kucari ganti?
– Where am I looking for a change?
Ke mana kucari dia?
– Where am I looking for him?
Umpama menantikan kepompong jadi rama-rama
– Waiting for a cocoon to be a butterfly
Di mana hilangnya cinta?
– Where is the loss of love?
Seindah bulan purnama
– As beautiful as the full moon
Untukku berpuisi bermadah pujangga
– For me a poem with a poet’s mouth
Hari yang bersilih ganti
– The changing day
Kutetap ada di sini
– I keep it here
Mencari erti sebenar
– Finding the true meaning
Cinta sejati
– True love
Ke mana kucari ganti?
– Where am I looking for a change?
Ke mana kucari dia?
– Where am I looking for him?
Umpama menantikan kepompong jadi rama-rama
– Waiting for a cocoon to be a butterfly
Di mana hilangnya cinta?
– Where is the loss of love?
Seindah bulan purnama
– As beautiful as the full moon
Untukku berpuisi bermadah pujangga
– For me a poem with a poet’s mouth
Aiman Sidek Feat. Alin Sidek – Cinta Sejati Indonesian Lyrics English Translations
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