Cand vine noaptea suna telefonu si raspund
– When night comes they call the phone and answer
Ma cheama la ea spune chiar ce vreau sa aud
– She calls me to her she even says what I want to hear
Repede hainele parfumul si chieile ma uit in toate partile sa nu ma
– Quickly the clothes the perfume and the chieile I look in all parts not to me
Vada nimeni
– See no one
Nu uit sa cumpar florile urc in graba scarile aprindem lumanarile
– I don’t forget to buy the flowers I rush up the stairs we light the candles
(Wow wow wow)
– (Wow wow wow)
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme si nimeni
– Secret discreet we love as you see only in the movies and no one
Nu ne poate judeca
– He can’t judge us
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme
– Discreet Secret we love as you only see in the movies
Spune cine ai vrea sa fim in seara asta (aa aasta asta)
– Say who you want us to be tonight)
Te rasfat ca Brad pe Angelina ca Mr. and Mrs. Smith de creste adrenalina
– You spoiled like Brad on Angelina as Mr. and Mrs. Smith’s adrenaline surge
Bata-ma vina.
– Beat me guilt.
Ca imi place viata cand se zgaltie masina.
– That I like life when the car shakes.
Te fac cate ture vrei nu mi se termina benzina,
– I’ll make you as many laps as you want. I won’t run out of gas.,
Sunt o mitraliera mare, nu pistol ca Gina
– I’m a big machine gun, not a gun like Gina
Rulam usor te intind pe covor.
– We gently roll you out on the carpet.
Imi faci un masaj,
– Give me a massage,
Nu ne vede nimeni ca o ardem camuflati.
– Nobody sees us burning it in disguise.
Repede hainele parfumul si chiele
– Fast clothes perfume and chiele
Ma uit in toate partile sa nu ma vada nimeni.
– I’m looking everywhere so no one can see me.
Nu uit sa cumpar florile urc in graba scarile
– I don’t forget to buy the flowers I rush up the stairs
Aprindem lumanarile
– We light the candles
(Ca la Hollywood)
– (Like Hollywood)
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme si nimeni
– Secret discreet we love as you see only in the movies and no one
Nu ne poate judeca.
– He can’t judge us.
Secret discret, ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme
– Discreet Secret, we love each other as you only see in the movies
Hai spune cine ar vrea sa fim in seara asta
– Let’s say who would like us to be tonight
(Aa aasta asta)
– (This is it)
– Puya
Nu pot. Iau foc, de tot.
– I can’t. I’m on fire.
Nu pot sa ma abtin. Deloc.
– I can’t help myself. Not at all.
Nus orb, tu esti buna de tot.
– Not blind, you’re good.
Ai inebunit toti baieti de la bloc.
– You drove all the guys on the block crazy.
Domnisoara vrea discretie.
– The lady wants discretion.
E secretul nostru. Nu vrem atentie
– It’s our secret. We don’t want attention
Nu suport nici o indiscretie.
– I can’t stand any indiscretion.
Asta mica e o bestie.
– That little one’s a beast.
Sa facem ceva neconventional,
– Let’s do something unconventional,
Ce nai mai facut, o sa fie mortal.
– What you didn’t do is gonna be deadly.
Ca marele final vreau un zgomot infernal
– Like the grand finale I want a hellish noise
Vecinii toti o sa-ti vada teapa chiar.
– The neighbors will all see your guts.
Am prea multe filme in cap.
– I have too many movies in my head.
Vreau sa ajung mai repede in pahar
– I want to get to the glass faster
Fetele cuminti mie imi plac.
– Good girls I like.
Ca-s innebunite de baieti rai defapt.
– That they’re crazy about bad guys, actually.
– Alex
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme si nimeni
– Secret discreet we love as you see only in the movies and no one
Nu ne poate judeca.
– He can’t judge us.
Secret discret ne iubim cum vezi numai in filme.
– Secretly we love each other like you only see in the movies.
Spune cine ai vrea sa fim in seara asta (aa aasta asta)
– Say who you want us to be tonight)

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