Elinden geleni ardına koyma
– Take your best shot
Yalanlar yolla yılanlı yollarda
– Send lies on roads with snakes
Yürürüm sonuma sorunlarla
– I’m walking to the end with problems
Badire onlarca vız gelir onlar da
– They also come to Badir with dozens of buzzes
Hayrola hayrola
– Hayrola hayrola
N’oldu la şaşırdın mı hayrola
– Are you surprised by what happened
Yarınlar bizimdir sabah hayrola
– Tomorrow is ours, come on in the morning
Asla düşmek yok kafa yüksek olsa da
– Never fall down even though your head is high
Derdim aşkın başımdan yine de bırak
– I’m worried about your love, but let it go anyway
Gelsin gelecekse gelen sövsün her kim
– Let him come, and whoever comes will swear
Sövecekse alışkınım düşmek yok kafa yüksek
– I’m used to being told off, don’t fall head high
On beş yaşımdan beri aynı dert mücadele maraton
– I’ve been struggling with the same problem since I was fifteen years old
Para bul ara dur kafam zom hayat zor
– Find money, decapitate me, life is hard
Bozuk bir karakter karambol yaram bol
– A corrupt character has plenty of carom scars
Ara sor nasılsın falan brom
– Dec ask how are you, brom
Telefon uçuş mod tamamen menfaat her saat
– Phone flight mode is completely in your interest every hour
Suçum yok affet
– Forgive the fault isn’t it
Vefasızlığımdan kaç kez laf yedim de n’apayim
– How many times have I been told about my disloyalty
Fiskos dedikodularınız asbest yere kalır yanınız asfalt
– Your Fiskos gossip stays on the asbestos floor next to the asphalt
Neydiniz n’oldunuz haspam
– What were you doing, haspam
Kıskançsınız korkunç
– You are jealous terrible
Yediniz yoğurdunuz saf saf inandım
– I believed that you ate your yogurt pure pure
İnan az dostum
– Believe me, my friend
Gazeteler haber basar magazin paparazzi ya
– Newspapers print news tabloids paparazzi ya
Uzaklardayım hasret Türko gurbet arazi ya
– I’m far away, I’m homesick, I’m a Turkish expat
Peşimden gelir koşar gelecek ve de mazi ya
– He’ll come after me, he’ll come after me, and the past is
Koal’dir koal mafiam bebeler başka kapıya
– Koal, koal, mafiam, babies, to another door
Elinden geleni ardına koyma
– Take your best shot
Yalanlar yolla yılanlı yollarda
– Send lies on roads with snakes
Yürürüm sonuma sorunlarla
– I’m walking to the end with problems
Badire onlarca vız gelir onlar da
– They also come to Badir with dozens of buzzes
Hayrola hayrola
– Hayrola hayrola
N’oldu la şaşırdın mı hayrola
– Are you surprised by what happened
Yarınlar bizimdir sabah hayrola
– Tomorrow is ours, come on in the morning
Asla düşmek yok kafa yüksek olsa da
– Never fall down even though your head is high
Derdim aşkın başımdan yine de bırak
– I’m worried about your love, but let it go anyway
Gelsin gelecekse gelen sövsün her kim
– Let him come, and whoever comes will swear
Sövecekse alışkınım düşmek yok kafa yüksek
– I’m used to being told off, don’t fall head high
Artı on nazar armor
– Plus ten evil eye armor
Korur annem hep dualarla
– My mother always protects me with prayers
Düşmeni bekliyor arkadaşlar bile
– Even friends are waiting for you to fall
Affet dikim şu an kanka
– Forgive me right now, buddy
İftiharla iftiralar at
– Throw slanders with pride
Hep bi yafta
– Always a stigma
Bildiklerinizin hepsi yanlış
– Everything you know is wrong
Ucuzlar fakat pek fiyatlı
– They are cheap, but very affordable
Hayat böyle ekşi tatlı
– Life is so sour-sweet
Eksik fazla eksi artı bin kutuplu dünya her bi derdin boş
– Missing more than minus plus a thousand poles the world is always empty
Yat uyan ve kalk soyun ve yat uyan ve kalk soyuldun her gün borç
– Go to bed wake up and get up undress and go to bed wake up and get up you’re robbed every day of debt
Uyuşursun bi doz
– You’ll be numb.
Bulamazsın bi dost
– You won’t find a friend
Kafalar fayans
– Heads of tiles
– Conflicts
Bebeler kuyular kazar
– Babies dig wells
Kapatır koal hafriyat
– Shuts down koal earthmoving
Havayla(n) doydu karnım
– I’m full of air(n)
Ne terler döktük aç bil aç
– Guess what we’re sweating, hungry, hungry
Didindik dönüp durduk
– We flew struggled
Direnmek güzel harika
– It’s nice to resist, it’s great
Sen ne bilece’n sahi ya
– You know what that
Omurgan yoktu galiba
– I think I didn’t have a spine
Elinden geleni ardına koyma
– Take your best shot
Yalanlar yolla yılanlı yollarda
– Send lies on roads with snakes
Yürürüm sonuma sorunlarla
– I’m walking to the end with problems
Badire onlarca vız gelir onlar da
– They also come to Badir with dozens of buzzes
Hayrola hayrola
– Hayrola hayrola
N’oldu la şaşırdın mı hayrola
– Are you surprised by what happened
Yarınlar bizimdir sabah hayrola
– Tomorrow is ours, come on in the morning
Asla düşmek yok kafa yüksek olsa da
– Never fall down even though your head is high
Derdim aşkın başımdan yine de bırak
– I’m worried about your love, but let it go anyway
Gelsin gelecekse gelen sövsün her kim
– Let him come, and whoever comes will swear
Sövecekse alışkınım düşmek yok kafa yüksek
– I’m used to being told off, don’t fall head high

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