Cine e cu noi striga: OOO x3 Cine e cu Mafia striga: OOO
– Who’s with us shout: OOO x3 who’s with the Mafia shout: OOO
Dau 3000 de gabori pe 30 de femei care sa strige tare:”Uzi-si bate joc de ei!”
– I give 3,000 cops on 30 women to shout loudly, ” Uzi are making fun of them!”
Ziaristii in continuare preseaza despre noi
– Journalists keep pressing about us
Nu ne-ati facut voi, v-am facut noi pe voi.
– You didn’t make us, we made you.
Fraierii o ard la modu: frate sunt tari.
– Suckers burn it at modu: brother they’re cool.
Dar nu se poate sunt vulgari se dau si mari.
– But you can’t be vulgar and big.
Dau 2000 de jointuri la 20 de baieti care sa va rupa-n cap si mai vedeti ce scrieti.
– I give 2,000 joints to 20 guys to break your head and see what you write.
Stil Mafiot, la fel ca-n 98’… fetele se freaca pe Hip-hop in club.
– Mafia style, like 98’… girls rub on Hip-hop in the club.
E 20 02 e aproape la fel, se procedeaza la fel, dar la un alt nivel!
– It’s 20 02 it’s almost the same, it does the same, but on another level!
Un fel de Tony Montana in Romania: fac tot posibilu sa evit puscaria
– A kind of Tony Montana in Romania: I do my best to avoid jail
Ca Leonard Doroftei, sunt Campion Mondial ma aflu in in… treaba fara adversar.
– As Leonard Doroftei, I am a World Champion I am in in… no adversary.
Priveste bine pe langa tine
– Take a good look at yourself
Ca ai putea sa intelegi ceva
– That you could understand something
Ai grija ce faci
– Watch what you do
Cu cine te bagi
– Who are you messing with
Si vezi cum poti
– And see how you can
Sa fii peste toti
– To be over all
Cine e cu noi striga: OOO x3 Cine e cu Mafia striga: OOO
– Who’s with us shout: OOO x3 who’s with the Mafia shout: OOO
An dupa an, cu banu’ pe primu plan
– Year after year, with money in the foreground
Reprezint baietii care au dolaru-n buzunar
– I represent the guys who have dollars in their pocket
Fac istorie, in plina glorie pun pe foaie
– I make history, in full glory I put on the sheet
Operatinea CASA
– Operatinea House
Cu Uzi si Tataee
– With Uzi and Tataee
Fara ei nu stiu cum as fi trait, fara bani,
– Without them I don’t know how I would have lived, without money,
Fara microfon, fara BUG.
– No microphone, no BUG.
As fi fost ca Dracula fara sange,
– I’d be like Dracula without blood,
Ca maestru Lacatus fara minge.
– As a master Locksmith without a ball.
Sunt acelasi pe care tie-ti place sa-l urasti
– I’m the same one you like to hate
Nascut si crescut pe strazile din Bucuresti
– Born and raised on the streets of Bucharest
Baieti cu doua fete, care vor sa te invete
– Guys with two girls who want to teach you
Mai mult cum sa le dai decat sa iei, atentie!
– More How to give than take, attention!
Teoria conspiratiei functioneaza
– Conspiracy theory works
Am baieti peste baieti la care apeleaza
– I’ve got guys over guys they turn to
A venit si politia cu munitia
– The police came with the ammunition
Nimeni n-o sa poata sa opreasca Mafia!
– No one will be able to stop the Mafia!
Priveste bine pe langa tine
– Take a good look at yourself
Ca ai putea sa intelegi ceva
– That you could understand something
Ai grija ce faci
– Watch what you do
Cu cine te bagi
– Who are you messing with
Si vezi cum poti
– And see how you can
Sa fii peste toti
– To be over all
Cine e cu noi striga: OOO x3 Cine e cu Mafia striga: OOO
– Who’s with us shout: OOO x3 who’s with the Mafia shout: OOO
Nu exista nici o limita la ce-as putea sa fac
– There’s no limit to what I can do
Au trecut atatia ani
– It’s been so many years
Lectia o am in cap
– The lesson I have in my head
Si sunt cateva treburi ce s-au schimbat in cartier
– And there are some things that have changed in the neighborhood
Dar baietii sunt la fel, rechinii ies ca la apel
– But the boys are the same, the Sharks come out as the call
Toti dupa bani, dupa ce le trebuie
– All after the money, after what they need
Cativa dintre ei stiu cand sa traga linie
– Some of them know when to draw the line
Pentru ca scopu de a face bani
– For the purpose of making money
Aici nu s-a schimbat,
– Here has not changed,
Dar metoda a evoluat
– But the method has evolved
Si s-au afiliat la
– And affiliated to
Firme, organizatii, internet
– Companies, organizations, internet
Tehnica a ajuns sa fie cea care face diferenta
– It’s the technique that makes the difference
Dar multi nu si-au dat inca seama ca un celular
– But many have not yet realized that a cellular
Folosit gresit poate sa te-arunce la gropar
– Misused can throw you at the gravedigger
Restu: stii ca-n viata inseamna mult
– Restu: you know that life means a lot
Sa te ridici in picioare
– To stand up
Doar cand ai ceva de spus
– Only when you have something to say
Ia-o ca pe-un sfat sau ia-o tu ca pe ce vrei
– Take it as advice or take it as what you want
Eu si baietii mei suntem in Mileniul 3
– Me and my boys are in the 3rd millennium
Priveste bine pe langa tine
– Take a good look at yourself
Ca ai putea sa intelegi ceva
– That you could understand something
Ai grija ce faci
– Watch what you do
Cu cine te bagi
– Who are you messing with
Si vezi cum poti
– And see how you can
Sa fii peste toti
– To be over all
Cine e cu noi striga: OOO x3 Cine e cu Mafia striga: OOO
– Who’s with us shout: OOO x3 who’s with the Mafia shout: OOO

B.U.G. Mafia Feat. Nico – Cine E Cu Noi Romanian Lyrics English Translations
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