Não passa disso, não me engana
– It’s all right, don’t fool me.
Que eu sou sulamericano de Feira de Santana
– That I am South American from Feira de Santana
Avisa o americano
– Warn the American
Eu não acredito no Obama
– I don’t believe in Obama
Revolucionário, Guevara
– Revolutionary, Guevara
Conhece a liberdade sem olhar no dicionário
– Know freedom without looking in the dictionary
Sem olhar no dicionário, ele conhece a liberdade
– Without looking in the dictionary, he knows freedom
Vamo que vamo, vou traçando vários planos
– Let’s go, I’m plotting several plans
Vou seguir cantarolando pra poder contra-atacar
– I’ll keep humming so I can counterattack
Contra-atacar, contra-atacar
– Counterattack, counterattack
Eu vou traçando vários planos pra poder contra-atacar
– I am plotting several plans to be able to counterattack
Contra-atacar, contra-atacar
– Counterattack, counterattack
Traçando vários planos pra poder contra-atacar
– Plotting various plans to be able to counterattack
Contra-atacar, contra-atacar
– Counterattack, counterattack
Eu vou traçando vários planos pra poder contra-atacar
– I am plotting several plans to be able to counterattack
Contra-atacar, contra-atacar
– Counterattack, counterattack
Eu vou traçando vários planos
– I’m going to draw several plans
Nas veias abertas da América Latina
– In the Open Veins of Latin America
Tem fogo cruzado queimando nas esquinas
– There’s crossfire burning in the corners
Um golpe de estado ao som da carabina, um fuzil
– A coup d’état at the sound of the carbine, a rifle
Se a justiça é cega, a gente pega quem fugiu
– If justice is blind, we catch those who fled
Justiça é cega (contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (counterattack)
Justiça é cega (eu quero contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (I want to counterattack)
Justiça é cega (eu quero contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (I want to counterattack)
Justiça é cega (eu quero contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (I want to counterattack)
Inflama, inflama
– Inflame, inflame
Não passa disso, não me engana
– It’s all right, don’t fool me.
Inflama, inflama
– Inflame, inflame
Esta ciudad la propriedad del Señor Matanza
– This city the property of Lord Matanza
Esta ciudad la propriedad del Señor Matanza
– This city the property of Lord Matanza
Esa olla, esa mina, y esa finca y ese mar
– That pot, that mine, and that farm and that sea
Ese paramilitar, son propriedad del Señor Matanza
– That paramilitary, they are the property of Mr. Matanza
Ese federal, ese chivato y ese sapo, el sindicato
– That federal, that snitch and that Toad, the Union
Y el obispo, el general son propriedad del Señor Matanza
– And the bishop, the general are the property of Lord Matanza
Buenas jiniteras y alcool, estan bajo control
– Good jiniteras and alcohol, they are under control
La escuela y el monte de piedad son propriedad del Señor Matanza
– The school and the Mount of Mercy are the property of Lord Matanza
El decide lo que va, dice lo que no sera
– He decides what goes, says what will not be
Decide quien la paga dice quien vivira
– Decides who pays it says who will live
Y mi niero que lo llevan y se van
– And my niero who take it and leave
Los que matan, pam pam, son propriedad del Señor Matanza
– Those who kill, pam pam, are the property of Lord slaughter
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte
Nas veias abertas da América Latina
– In the Open Veins of Latin America
Tem fogo cruzado queimando nas esquinas
– There’s crossfire burning in the corners
Um golpe de estado ao som da carabina, um fuzil
– A coup d’état at the sound of the carbine, a rifle
Se a justiça é cega, a gente pega quem fugiu
– If justice is blind, we catch those who fled
Justiça é cega (contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (counterattack)
Justiça é cega (eu quero contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (I want to counterattack)
Justiça é cega (eu quero contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (I want to counterattack)
Justiça é cega (eu quero contra-atacar)
– Justice is blind (I want to counterattack)
Inflama, difama
– Inflame, defame
Não passa disso, não me engana
– It’s all right, don’t fool me.
Inflama, difama
– Inflame, defame
Mas a gente não se engana
– But we are not mistaken
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte
Y a mi niero llevan pal monte
– And to my niero they carry pal monte

BaianaSystem Feat. Manu Chao – Sulamericano Portuguese Lyrics English Translations
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