Ala payung la payung si intan payung (intan payung)
– Ala umbrella la umbrellas si intan payung (intan payung)
Dipandang rendah setahun jagung (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
– Despised a year corn (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
Perlahan dayung asal sampai ke hujung (sampai hujung)
– Slowly paddle origin to the end (until the end)
Janganlah sanjung kaduk naik junjung
– Do not be flattered kaduk rose cherished
Terasa diri terpinggir sebab tak percaya
– Feels ourselves included-why don’t believe
Ingin hidupku disingkir sebab tak percaya
– Want my life disingkir cause can’t believe
Jadi dari saat itu
– So from that moment
Mencari kunci tiap pintu
– Looking for a key for every door
Tak peduli berapa lama
– No matter how long
Janji tu pastikan tiba masa
– The promise of tu be sure of a sudden the
Dan mana?
– And where?
Sudah sampai mana?
– Where?
Pijak pedal lama dah kayuh merata
– Step on the pedal lama dah paddle evenly
Nak berjaya mesti gagal dulu
– Nak berjaya must fail first
Tak percaya boleh cuba jangan malu
– Don’t believe can try don’t be shy
Jadi aku
– So I
Biarpun makan berbulan
– Even if eating for
Nak juga capai angan di awan
– Son also achieve wishful in the clouds
Sampai nama jadi sebutan
– Up to the name so the title
Dan tak lupa yang hulurkan tangan
– And don’t forget that just give me a hand
Bunga tak akan layu jika kita menyemai baja
– Flowers will wither if we sow steel
Bagai si gadis ayu indah santun jika dijaga
– Like si gadis ayu beautiful manners if guarded
Ala payung la payung si intan payung (intan payung)
– Ala umbrella la umbrellas si intan payung (intan payung)
Dipandang rendah setahun jagung (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
– Despised a year corn (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
Perlahan dayung asal sampai ke hujung (sampai hujung)
– Slowly paddle origin to the end (until the end)
Janganlah sanjung kaduk naik junjung
– Do not be flattered kaduk rose cherished
Bukan senang nak hidup senang
– Not a happy boy living happy
Ada sampan, sibuk nak berenang
– There is a canoe, a busy kid swim
Jaga jaga, ada mata mata, yang hati tak tenang
– In case, there is the eye of the eye, the heart can’t calm down
Tengok orang menang
– Look at the people win
Cuba nak ubah cuma perlu satu
– Tried to change only need one
Cuba cermin rupa cuma ada aku
– Cuba mirror of the way I am the only one
Tak hirau walaupun tak laju
– Tak hirau although not the rate of
Janji bukan wau yang putus teraju
– Promise not wau-breaking teraju
Siapa kata aku tak boleh
– Who says I can’t
Yang toleh toleh dulu pandang remeh
– The kere kere first perspective a paltry
Dipjak diherdik dah berdolak dalik
– Dipjak diherdik dah berdolak dalik
Terlajak dek kata tak boleh ditarik
– Terlajak deck the word should not be pulled
Perlahan dayung (Eyahh)
– Slowly paddle (Eyahh)
Sampai ke hujung (Eyahh)
– Up to the end of the (Eyahh)
Jangan disanjung kaduk naik junjung (Eyahh)
– Don’t be flattered kaduk up stand (Eyahh)
Ala payung la payung si intan payung
– Ala umbrella la umbrellas si intan payung
Dipandang rendah setahun jagung
– Despised a year corn
Perlahan dayung asal sampai ke hujung
– Slowly paddle origin to the end of the
Janganlah sanjung kaduk naik junjung
– Do not be flattered kaduk rose cherished
Ala payung la payung si intan payung (intan payung)
– Ala umbrella la umbrellas si intan payung (intan payung)
Dipandang rendah setahun jagung (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
– Despised a year corn (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
Perlahan dayung asal sampai ke hujung (sampai hujung)
– Slowly paddle origin to the end (until the end)
Janganlah sanjung kaduk naik junjung
– Do not be flattered kaduk rose cherished
Ala payung la payung si intan payung (intan payung)
– Ala umbrella la umbrellas si intan payung (intan payung)
Dipandang rendah setahun jagung (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
– Despised a year corn (Tu Tu Tu Tu)
Perlahan dayung asal sampai ke hujung (sampai hujung)
– Slowly paddle origin to the end (until the end)
Janganlah sanjung kaduk naik junjung
– Do not be flattered kaduk rose cherished

Bunga Feat. Noraniza Idris – Intan Payung Indonesian Lyrics English Translations
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