The music that I play has to come from some place
And, even if it didn’t get me to that plateau, it didn’t matter
I was always here to give, you know everyone that decided to listen to what
I play an opportunity to hear something from my soul
The history of what got me here you know The hip hop, the house music, the drum & bass, the rave, the, the, the gabber, the Underground Detroit techno sound
I have it all, I have it all here
It’d be a shame not to share it
Ain’t no negativity inside the dance, just pure vibes
Ain’t no negativity inside the dance, just pure vibes
Ain’t no negativity inside the dance, just pure vibes
People go to Ibiza to escape from their own normal lives
And that’s all I ever did, every time I went, every year
And I think what was amazing about the Terrace was that we were dancing under the sun
The atmosphere was fantastic
It was Balearic kind of house sound at the time, music from the island
You know, in it for the long haul
You know, obviously a Spanish DJs playing UK DJs playing, German DJs playing, New York DJs playing at the time
Such an amazing time, people would feel And all of these things just kind of summed up the reason why you were there
Ain’t no negativity inside the dance, just pure vibes
Ain’t no negativity inside the dance, just pure vibes
Ain’t no negativity inside the dance, just pure vibes
But the thing is I’ve been doing this without agenda, for forty years, because my heart and spirit lives on within me to continue to do what I do at the level that I do it at
At the end of the day, we can basically come together
I don’t care if, what gender you are, if you’re man, woman or child, if you like the music
We have to basically, you know, make our voices heard, on being viable, because they’re basically saying that we don’t exist

Franky Wah & Carl Cox – We Are One Lyrics
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