Quiero hablarles de las cosas que he pasado,
– I want to tell you about the things I’ve been through,
De la vida que dejado, porque nunca fui dejado,
– Of the life I left, because I was never left,
Porque nunca actué con miedo…
– Because I never acted out of fear…
Díganme quién dijo miedo,
– Tell me who said fear,
El fin justifica los medios,
– The end justifies the means,
Aventándose en el ruedo salimos del agujero
– Throwing himself in the ring we get out of the hole
Si fuera fácil, si fuera así todos lo hicieran,
– If it were easy, if it were so everyone would do it,
Mis carnales salimos adelante a nuestra manera,
– My carnals we get ahead in our own way,
Moviendo mota Uno hace lo que deja feria
– Moving speck One does what he leaves fair
No pido disculpas ni esperamos indulgencia
– I do not apologize or expect leniency
Dándole vuelta a la esfera, seguimos gastando feria, Pa que sepan
– Turning the dial, we continue to spend money, so that they know
Que curioso las cosas como han cambiado
– Funny how things have changed
Las calles nos educaron, con la punta del zapato
– The streets educated us, with the tip of the shoe
Hubo quienes me trataron…
– There were those who treated me…
Estamos representando a Michoacán
– We are representing Michoacán
Donde es mi estado
– Where is my state
Hoy estamos trabajando para poder superarnos
– Today we are working to be able to overcome
Si fuera fácil si fuera así todos lo hicieran,
– If it were easy if it were so everyone would,
Mis carnales salimos adelante a nuestra manera, moviendo mota
– My carnals we get ahead in our own way, moving mota
Uno hace lo que deja feria, no pido disculpas ni esperamos indulgencia
– One does what one leaves behind, I do not apologize or expect leniency
Dándole vuelta a la esfera
– Turning the dial
Seguimos gastando feria Soy el Baldy pa que sepan
– We keep spending fair I’m the Baldy pa you know

Grupo Marca Registrada – Si Fuera Fácil Spanish Lyrics English Translations
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