Hanin Dhiya & Ahmad Dhani – Roman Picisan Indonesian Lyrics English Translations

Tatap matamu bagai busur panah
– Face your eyes like bow arrow
Yang kau lepaskan ke jantung hatiku
– You release into the heart of my heart
Meski kau simpan cintamu masih
– Even if you save your love still
Tetap nafasmu wangi hiasi suasana
– Keep your breath fragrant garnish atmosphere
Saat kukecup manis bibirmu
– When I kiss the sweet lips

Cintaku tak harus, miliki dirimu
– My love don’t have to, have you
Meski perih mengiris
– Despite the stinging slice
Iris segala janji
– Iris no

Aku berdansa diujung gelisah
– I danced the tip of the restless
Di iringi syahdu lembut lakumu
– Accompanied serene soft your ways
Kau sebar benih anggun jiwamu
– You spread the seed graceful soul
Namun kau tiada
– But you’re gone
Menuai buah cintaku
– Reap the fruit of my love
Yang ada hanya sekuntum rindu
– There is only a missed

Cintaku tak harus,
– My love don’t have to,
Miliki dirimu
– Have you
Meski perih mengiris
– Despite the stinging slice
Iris segala janji
– Iris no

Malam-malamku bagai malam seribu bintang
– Night-night like a night of a thousand stars
Yang terbentang di angkasa bila kau disini
– That unfolds in space when you’re here.
‘Tuk sekedar menemani, ‘tuk melintasi wangi
– ‘Tuk just to accompany, ‘tuk across the notes
Yang s’lalu tersaji di satu sisi hati
– Which again presented on one side of the heart

Malam-malamku bagai malam seribu bintang
– Night-night like a night of a thousand stars
Yang terbentang di angkasa bila kau disini
– That unfolds in space when you’re here.
‘Tuk sekedar menemani, ‘tuk melintasi wangi
– ‘Tuk just to accompany, ‘tuk across the notes
Yang s’lalu tersaji di satu sisi hati
– Which again presented on one side of the heart

Malam-malamku bagai malam seribu bintang
– Night-night like a night of a thousand stars
Yang terbentang di angkasa bila kau disini
– That unfolds in space when you’re here.
‘Tuk sekedar menemani, ‘tuk melintasi wangi
– ‘Tuk just to accompany, ‘tuk across the notes
Yang s’lalu tersaji di satu sisi hati
– Which again presented on one side of the heart

Cintaku tak harus, miliki dirimu
– My love don’t have to, have you
Meski perih mengiris
– Despite the stinging slice
Iris segala janji
– Iris no

Cintaku tak harus, miliki dirimu
– My love don’t have to, have you
Meski perih mengiris
– Despite the stinging slice
Iris segala janji
– Iris no

– Sya-lala-lala-la
– Sya-lala-lala-la
– Sya-lala-lala-la

– Sya-lala-lala-la
– Sya-lala-lala-la
– Sya-lala-lala-la
– Sya-lala-lala-la






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