Eh, eh, eh
– Eh, eh, eh
Elle avait des formes d’Amérique
– She had forms of America
Elle avait des formes, formes, formes d’Amérique
– She had shapes, shapes, shapes of America
J’ai mes torts (j’ai mes torts) mais j’la mérite
– I have my wrongs (I have my wrongs) but I deserve it
J’ai mes torts, mes torts, mes torts mais j’la mérite
– I have my wrongs, my wrongs, my wrongs but I deserve it
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Je suis frais, dernière paire aux pieds, ça va plaire aux p’tits (bang, bang)
– I’m fresh, last pair at the feet, it will please the little ones (bang, bang)
La carrière OP s’est pas fait au pif (bang, bang)
– The OP career was not done at the pif (bang, bang)
J’vise la carotide pour la garantie (bang, bang)
– I aim the carotid for the warranty (bang, bang)
J’t’ouvre la porte d’mon cœur pour la galanterie (bang, bang)
– I open the door of my heart for gallantry (bang, bang)
Billets colorés, pas besoin d’plaire aux filles (bang, bang)
– Colorful tickets, no need to please girls (bang, bang)
Veulent me voir au bled, j’suis sur pilotis (bang, bang)
– Want to see me at the bled, I’m on stilts (bang, bang)
J’ai fait gaffe aux traîtres, j’ai d’jà fait le tri (bang, bang)
– I watched out for the traitors, I already sorted (bang, bang)
J’ai fait gaffe aux traîtres, j’ai d’jà fait le tri
– I watched out for the traitors, I already sorted it out
Discret et paro, j’tourne en bécane
– Discreet and paro, j ‘ tourne en bécane
J’suis loin de tout, j’aime quand c’est calme
– I’m far from everything, I like it when it’s quiet
Diamant qui brille n’a pas de prix
– Shining diamond is priceless
J’y pense pas, j’bicrave les kil’
– I don’t think about it, I bicrave the kil’
Elle avait des formes d’Amérique
– She had forms of America
Elle avait des formes, formes, formes d’Amérique (d’Amérique)
– She had shapes, shapes, shapes of America (of America)
J’ai mes torts (j’ai mes torts) mais j’la mérite (mais j’la mérite)
– I have my wrongs (I have my wrongs) but I deserve it (but I deserve it)
J’ai mes torts, mes torts, mes torts mais j’la mérite
– I have my wrongs, my wrongs, my wrongs but I deserve it
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Toi et moi, c’est un casse-tête (casse-tête)
– You and me, it’s a puzzle (brain teaser)
Tu m’as fait comprendre que maintenant, plus rien t’achètes (t’achètes)
– You made me understand that now nothing you buy (you buy)
Bébé, rembobine la cassette (cassette)
– Baby, rewind the cassette (cassette)
Ils nous veulent du mal, faut qu’on s’aime en cachette (cachette)
– They want us evil, we must love each other in hiding(hiding)
J’ai beau faire l’tour du monde (du monde)
– I may go around the world (of the world)
J’te laisse réfléchir mais tu sais qu’c’est long (sais qu’c’est long)
– I let you think but you know it’s long (know it’s long)
Y a que toi qui m’dit non, wAllah y a que toi qui m’dit non
– Only you who says no, wAllah only you who says no
Elle avait des formes d’Amérique
– She had forms of America
Elle avait des formes, formes, formes d’Amérique (d’Amérique)
– She had shapes, shapes, shapes of America (of America)
J’ai mes torts (j’ai mes torts) mais j’la mérite (mais j’la mérite)
– I have my wrongs (I have my wrongs) but I deserve it (but I deserve it)
J’ai mes torts, mes torts, mes torts mais j’la mérite
– I have my wrongs, my wrongs, my wrongs but I deserve it
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
Galouli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba
– Galuli kedaba, kedaba, kedaba

Hornet La Frappe – Kedaba French Lyrics English Translations
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