Hua Yu Ran – Wave Chinese Lyrics English Translations

Look 别发呆
– Look, don’t be in a daze
– Look at my shape and say wow
Ei bro 快过来
– Ei bro, come here
– Open the safe

Uh huh 撒钱
– Uh huh sprinkle money
– It’s all in U.S. dollars
– I don’t even look at those that don’t flash
– The performance fee must not be less than 50,000 yuan

I’m watching you and you
– I’m watching you and you
– Want to dance with you
向我靠近一步 一步
– Step closer to me step by step
Welcome to my pool
– Welcome to my pool

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive

根本不care你们 我是最强的Asian
– I don’t care about you at all. I’m the strongest Asian.
押韵书背了几本 还是提不高你的辈分
– I memorized a few rhyming books, but I still can’t improve your seniority.
I’m so hot但从来没有压力
– I’m so hot but never stressed
这是我和你的差距 我和homie开玛莎拉蒂
– This is the gap between me and you. Homie and I drive a Maserati.

你还在混圈儿拍马屁 模样滑稽
– You look funny when you are still flattering in the mixed circle
像个joker 但穿的华丽
– Looks like a joker but dressed magnificently
我说哥们儿 往后稍稍
– I said, man, step back a little bit
– You can enter this party if you don’t dress like it

My swag 早就甩出你八里外
– My swag has long thrown you out eight miles away
别见外 吃不了就兜点儿往家里带
– Don’t go out and eat if you can’t, just take some and bring it home.
– Don’t pretend to be so rigid
Look around you 他们都在喊
– Look around you they are all shouting

Wave wave wave…
– Wave wave wave. . .

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive

就在这里把你带入 我的bad hood
– Right here to bring you into my bad hood
– They all say it’s so cool to burn flowers
我不在乎 我坐hiphop代步
– I don’t care if I travel by hiphop
– Play hiphop just for happiness
– But never tasted defeat

FUDO crew不坐以待毙
– FUDO crew doesn’t sit still
– It’s our quirk to like victory
Ya know what I’m saying
– Ya know what I’m saying
像贪婪的病 没有钱根本治不起
– A disease like greed can’t be cured without money
Now I’m the king
– Now I’m the king

用手摘颗星星 饥饿的狼吃狐狸
– Pick a star by hand, hungry wolf eats fox
用音乐摇动太古里 我闪的太光怪陆离
– Shaking Taikoo with music, I flashed too strangely in Taikoo
我妈妈说我太出息 笑着看你一败涂地
– My mother said I was too promising and smiled to see you fail.

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive

– La la la la la la. . .

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive

Wave wave
– Wave wave
– No one will be tired if they keep shaking
Wave wave
– Wave wave
My vibe天生最贵
– My vibe is born to be the most expensive






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