İsmail YK – Bas Gaza Turkish Lyrics English Translations

Sıfır kilometre yeni bir araba alırım
– I’ll buy a new car with zero mileage
Mahallede kızlara, ben havamı atarım
– Girls in the neighborhood, I’ll show off
Sağ çek, sol çek, bir caka atarım
– Pull right, pull left, I’ll show you
Gözlüğümü takar birden gaza basarım
– I put my glasses on and I hit the gas

Ver anam ben anasını satarım
– Give it to my mother, I’ll sell the mother
Aman her yeri toz dumana katarım
– Oh, I’ll throw dust everywhere
Yollar tıklım olsa ne yazar?
– What would he write if the roads were full?
Söyle yavrum, beni kim tutar?
– Tell me, baby, who’s holding me?

Vay anam! Ben belalıyım be!
– Wow! I’m a badass, man!
Vay anam! Gözlerim toz pembe!
– Wow! My eyes are powder pink!
Direksiyonu çeviriyorum bir sağ, bir sol
– I’m turning the wheel one right, one left

Hey anam! Tekerim fır dönüyor
– Hey, mom! My wheel is spinning
Hey anam! (Aha) Bak kızlar bakıyor
– Hey, mom! (Aha) Look what the girls are looking at
Çekilin yoldan, bir bela geliyor
– Get out of the way, there’s trouble coming

Bas gaza! Bas gaza!
– Step on it. Step on it.

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here

Bir fıstık görsem, frene basarım
– If I see a chick, I’ll hit the brakes
Çaktırmadan, güzel mi bakarım
– Secretly, I’ll see if it’s nice
Üff! Güzelmişsin be cicim
– Ugh! You’re beautiful, honey
Hadi gel beraber iki tur atalım
– Come on, let’s take two laps together

Gel beraber yollara dalalım
– Let’s go on the road together
Kıvrak deli dolu bir CD takalım
– Let’s plug in a CD full of lithe crazy
Boxlar kaliteli baslar bom bom!
– Boxlar quality starts to boom boom!

Vay anam! Ben belalıyım be!
– Wow! I’m a badass, man!
Vay anam! Gözlerim toz pembe!
– Wow! My eyes are powder pink!
Egzozun sesi kulakları deliyor
– The sound of the exhaust pierces the ears

Bas gaza! Bas gaza!
– Step on it. Step on it.

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here

Banane, banane şimdi dur’cam
– Banane, banane, stop now, my husband
Banane, banane şimdi öp’cem
– I don’t care, I don’t care now op
“Nerelere geldik?” diye sorma
– “Where have we come to?”don’t ask me

“Sen de istiyorsun açık konuş susma”
– “And you want to be clear, don’t shut up”

Banane, banane şimdi dur’cam
– Banane, banane, stop now, my husband
Banane, banane şimdi öp’cem
– I don’t care, I don’t care now op
Benimle oynama, hadi gel kaçma
– Don’t play with me, come on, don’t run away

“Hadi (hadi) açık konuş susma”
– “Come on (come on) talk openly don’t shut up”

Vay anam! Bak geldik yola
– Wow! Look, we’re on our way
Vay anam! Aşık oldum ben sana
– Wow! I fell for you
Hadi beni bi getir gaza
– Come on, bring me to the gas

Bas gaza! Bas gaza!
– Step on it. Step on it.

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here

Vay anam! Arkamda polis var
– Wow! There’s a cop behind me
Umarım kızın yanında havamı bozmaz
– I hope it doesn’t spoil my mood next to the girl
İnşallah şimdi beni durdurmaz
– Hopefully it won’t stop me now

“24 çift sıfır sağa çek çabuk!”
– “pull 24 double zeros to the right, quick!”

Aaa! Bana mı çatar bu trafik cezası
– Aaa! Is this a traffic ticket for me
Benim hatam değil de, kimin hatası?
– It’s not my fault, but whose fault is it?
Sözün gelişi çok güzel, dinlemekse berbat
– It’s great that the word has come, it sucks to listen
Ey anam! Hey babam! Hep hayallere yat
– O mother! Hey, dad! Always have dreams

N’olursun polis abi
– What are you doing, cop?
Beni bir kerecik affet
– Forgive me once
Bir şans versen? Yaylan desen?
– If you gave this a chance? How about a spring?

“Ehliyet ruhsat lütfen?”
– “Driver’s license, please?”
“Buyur abi”
– “Here, brother.”
“Evraklar tamam”
– “The documents are OK”
“Alkolde yok. Tutm’im seni”
– “There is no alcohol in it. You tutm”

Bas gaza! Bas gaza!
– Step on it. Step on it.

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here

Bas gaza aşkım bas gaza
– Step on the gas, my love, step on the gas
Kim tutar seni? Bas gaza
– Who’ll hire you? Hit the gas
Yollar senin hiç durma
– The roads are yours never stop
Hadi uçur beni burdan
– Come on, fly me out of here






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