J Balvin – Tranquila Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Yeh yeh yeh yeh
– Yeh yeh yeh yeh
Yeh yeh yeh yeh
– Yeh yeh yeh yeh
Ah ah, ah ah
– Ah ah, ah ah
Yeh yeh yeh yeh
– Yeh yeh yeh yeh
– (Business)

Hey, ven acá
– Hey, come here
No pierdas el tiempo
– Don’t waste your time
Aprovecha el momento y tranquila
– Take advantage of the moment and calm down
Déjate llevar, échate pa’ acá
– Let yourself go, lie down pa’ here
Dale vamos allá que llegaron los killa’
– “Let’s go there, the killa arrived.”

Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet
Dale, baby, dale que tú no haces fila
– Come on, baby, come on, you’re not in line
Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet
Dale, baby, que tú eres la que más domina
– Come on, baby, you’re the one who dominates the most

Relax, nos fuimos al compás
– Relax, we went to the beat
Vamos a hacerlo como si fuera gang
– Let’s do it like a gang
Ella sabe que tengo la clave
– She knows I have the key
Escápate conmigo solita en la nave
– Escape with me alone on the ship

Vámonos manual o en el automático
– Let’s go manual or automatic
J to the B, tú sabes que soy matemático
– J to the B, you know I’m a mathematician
Practico contigo todo lo que tú quieras
– I practice with you all you want
Pa’ que la pasemos toda la noche entera
– So that we can spend the whole night all

Y veo tu cuerpo, ou ou ou ou
– And I see your body, ou ou ou ou
Ou ou ou ou ou
– Ou ou ou ou ou
Ou ou ou ou ou (The business)
– Ou ou ou ou ou (The business)

Hey, ven acá
– Hey, come here
No pierdas el tiempo
– Don’t waste your time
Aprovecha el momento y tranquila
– Take advantage of the moment and calm down
Déjate llevar, échate pa’ acá
– Let yourself go, lie down pa’ here
Dale vamos allá que llegaron los killa’
– “Let’s go there, the killa arrived.”

Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet
Dale, baby, dale que tú no haces fila
– Come on, baby, come on, you’re not in line
Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet
Dale, baby, que tú eres la que más domina
– Come on, baby, you’re the one who dominates the most

Impresionante, demasiado elegante
– Impressive, too elegant
Vamos a hacerlo ma’ que brille como un diamante
– Let’s make it ma’ let it shine like a diamond
Tú estás bien nice, vamos a hacerlo twice
– You’re okay nice, let’s do it twice
De una vez sabe inteligente, más no mais
– Once you know smart, more not more

La forma en que me mira y su vestido bien nice
– The way she looks at me and her dress nice…
Hace sentirme frío como si fuera ice
– It makes me feel cold like ice
Pero se me pega bailándome en sai’
– But it sticks to me dancing in sai’
Tiene un doctorado a lo Tony Dize
– He has a Ph.D. from Tony Dize

Y veo tu cuerpo, ou ou ou ou
– And I see your body, ou ou ou ou
Ou ou ou ou ou
– Ou ou ou ou ou
Ou ou ou ou ou (The business)
– Ou ou ou ou ou (The business)

(Hey hey hey) Hey, ven acá
– (Hey hey hey) Hey, come here
No pierdas el tiempo
– Don’t waste your time
Aprovecha el momento y tranquila
– Take advantage of the moment and calm down
Déjate llevar, échate pa’ acá
– Let yourself go, lie down pa’ here
Dale vamos allá que llegaron los killa’
– “Let’s go there, the killa arrived.”

Hey, ven acá
– Hey, come here
No pierdas el tiempo
– Don’t waste your time
Aprovecha el momento y tranquila
– Take advantage of the moment and calm down
Déjate llevar, échate pa’ acá
– Let yourself go, lie down pa’ here
Dale vamos allá que llegaron los killa’
– “Let’s go there, the killa arrived.”

Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet
Dale, baby, dale que tú no haces fila
– Come on, baby, come on, you’re not in line
Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet
Dale, baby, que tú eres la que más domina
– Come on, baby, you’re the one who dominates the most

Modo, modo, modo, modo, modo, modo, modo
– Mode, mode, mode, mode, mode, mode, mode
Sai en la casa
– UPS in the house
San Andrés
– San Andrés
Mr. Boom Music
– Mr. Boom Music
DJ Mascotes
– DJ Mascots
Migue Mes
– Migue Mes
Estamos rompiendo, o no estamos rompiendo muchacha (Ok) (Kennedy)
– We’re breaking up, or we’re not breaking up girl (OK) (Kennedy)
Infinity music
– Infinity music
– Mosty
The business
– The business
La familia, yeh
– The family, yeh
The business
– The business

(Hey, hey, hey, hey ven) Tra tra tranquila
– (Hey, hey, hey, hey come) Tra tra quiet
Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet
(Déjate llevar) Tra tra tranquila
– (Let yourself go) Tra tra quiet
Tra tra tranquila
– Tra tra quiet






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