JUSTHIS, Young B & Swings Feat. Dbo – Please Come Back Korean Lyrics English Translations

자기야 please 잘못했어 제발 내게 돌아와
– Baby, please, you’re wrong. Please, come back to me.
그런 뜻이 아니었어 나도 나를 몰라 잘
– I didn’t mean that. I don’t know me.
너 없인 못 살아 나 술 없인 못 살아
– I can’t live without you. I can’t live without alcohol.
하늘이 돌아 돌아 turn, turn, turn, turn, hmm
– sky turns back turn, turn, turn, turn, hmm

자기야 please 잘못했어 제발 내게 돌아와
– Baby, please, you’re wrong. Please, come back to me.
그런 뜻이 아니었어 나도 나를 몰라 잘
– I didn’t mean that. I don’t know me.
너 없인 못 살아 나 술 없인 못 살아
– I can’t live without you. I can’t live without alcohol.
하늘이 돌아 돌아 turn, turn, turn, turn, hmm
– sky turns back turn, turn, turn, turn, hmm

자기야 please 잘못했어 제발 내게 돌아와
– Baby, please, you’re wrong. Please, come back to me.
I don’t want no drama 잠깐 돌았어 나
– I don’t want no drama wait a minute.
너무 원해서 원했어 그래서 그랬어
– I wanted it so much, so I did.
근데 너 모르겠어 라고 해서 패였네
– But I said you don’t know, so I lost.

흠 흠 흠 한쪽 가슴 슴에
– Grunting on one side chest chest
원해 착륙 네 품에 새벽 한 두 시쯤 되면
– I want you to land in your arms about one or two o’clock in the morning.
알람이 울려 brr, brr, keep it low key 했지 도킹
– Alarm goes off brr, brr, keep it low key.
통장엔 0 하나 늘었지 Xans 두 통 뚫었지
– I got zero in the passbook. I got two Xans.
사회랑 마려 손절이 chyeah
– chyeah, let’s get rid of society.

핸드폰 요금 명세서도 두통
– Mobile phone bill statement also headache
나를 잡아주오 마치 숙소
– Hold me, like a hostel.
내 주종 아니어도 잘만 타 말아주면
– If you’re not my master, you can’t ride.
그 자리에서 바로 자리 펴고 누워
– Lie down right on the spot.
말했잖아 우리는 걍 운명
– I told you, we’re doomed.
소리가 다르잖아 듀퐁
– It sounds different, Dupont.

I just wanna help you with that really, baby for ya
– I just wanna help you with that really, baby for ya
I just wanna love you with that really, baby, oh my
– I just wanna love you with that really, baby, oh my
근데 애기야 뭔가가 가면 뭔가 돌아와
– But it’s a baby. If something goes, something comes back.
그래 시계태엽처럼
– Yeah, like a clockwork.

높은 곳에 가고 싶다면 나와 괜찮아 yeah
– If you want to go high, it’s okay with me yeah
값비싼 명품들이 모두 다 비참한데
– All the expensive luxury goods are miserable.
You wanna party like a party girl (party girl)
– You wanna party like a party girl (party girl)
I be right above you
– I be right above you

You told me you hate me 그리고 날 괴롭게
– You told me you hate me and torment me
난 말해 있을 때 잘해 지나간 것은 지나
– I’m good at telling you. What’s gone past.
넌 붙잡고 싶지만 붙잡은 건 손바닥
– You want to hold it, but all you hold is the palm of your hand.
나의 복수는 용서야
– My revenge is forgiveness.

자기야 please 잘못했어 제발 내게 돌아와
– Baby, please, you’re wrong. Please, come back to me.
그런 뜻이 아니었어 나도 나를 몰라 잘
– I didn’t mean that. I don’t know me.
너 없인 못 살아 나 술 없인 못 살아
– I can’t live without you. I can’t live without alcohol.
하늘이 돌아 돌아 turn, turn, turn, turn
– Sky turns back turn, turn, turn, turn

머리에 남아 너네가 여전히 안 내려져 답 yeah
– Stay in your head and you’re still not down answer yeah
고민 안 할래 난 원해 one night 아니 1 hour, yeah
– I don’t want to worry about one night no one hour, yeah
너무 쉽잖아 이게 내가 바란 건가 해 stop, yeah
– It’s so easy. This is what I wanted to do. stop, yeah.
그랠 원했지 널, 원했지 전엔 ayy
– I wanted you, I wanted you, I wanted you, I wanted you, I wanted you, I wanted you, I wanted you.

연애는 안 되네 그 정도에 넘어가니
– I can’t have a love affair. I’m moving on to that extent.
테이블 위 이런 음악에 그 dance
– Dance to music like this on the table
의미까지 더한 tatt 토가 쏠리지 너 땜에
– I mean, plus tatt vomit is shot when you’re in.
난 연예인 안 돼 기사 띄우려 들어 cam
– I’m not a celebrity. I’m trying to get a knight on cam.
그래서 사놨지 새 팬티 이런 색은 처음인데
– That’s why I bought my new panties. I’ve never had a color like this.
예쁘게 나오게 켜 flash
– Pretty come out and turn on flash

내가 이래 근데 너가 뭘 하겠니
– But what are you gonna do?
내 일에 대해 너가 뭘 알겠니
– What do you know about my work?
우리 마지막이래 넌 울어주겠니
– It’s the last of us. You’re gonna cry.
막 이래 가사장은 꺼도 돼 bitch
– You can turn off the housekeeper since the end of the year, bitch.
Oh dad 어떻게 she call me daddy
– Oh dad how she call me daddy
아버지 정답을 알려주겠니
– Father, I’ll tell you the right answer.
가까워지네 다시 내 귀로 캔디
– It’s close. Candy back to my ears.

Hey baby 아직 몰라
– Hey baby, I don’t know yet.
난 있지 그냥 좀만
– I have. Just a little bit.
기다려주면 yeah 너가 수면에
– If you wait, yeah, you’re in sleep.
코오 빠질 때 난 다시 밖으로
– Koo falls out when I’m back out
난 다시 밖으로 난 다시 밖으로
– I’m out again I’m out again
다음 날의 아침 환하게 쳐 웃고
– The next morning, smiling brightly
아무것도 모를 널 보고
– I don’t know anything about you.
영혼이 없는 날 욕하며 또 밤에 바퀴처럼
– Like a wheel at night, swearing at a soulless day.

바퀴처럼 기어 뛰어나가 yeah
– Gear like a wheel yeah
비밀 싫은데 왜 저질러야 시원할까 yeah
– I don’t like secrets, but why do you want to be cool yeah.
교회 들어가고 나오면 또 이어나가 yeah
– When you go in and out of the church, you go out again. yeah.
나 같은 새끼는 차에 치여 뒤져봐야 해 뒤져봐야 해
– A bastard like me gets hit by a car, and he has to go through it.

자기야 please 잘못했어 제발 내게 돌아와
– Baby, please, you’re wrong. Please, come back to me.
그런 뜻이 아니었어 나도 나를 몰라 잘
– I didn’t mean that. I don’t know me.
너 없인 못 살아 나 술 없인 못 살아
– I can’t live without you. I can’t live without alcohol.
하늘이 돌아 돌아 turn, turn, turn, turn, hmm
– sky turns back turn, turn, turn, turn, hmm

자기야 please 잘못했어 제발 내게 돌아와
– Baby, please, you’re wrong. Please, come back to me.
그런 뜻이 아니었어 나도 나를 몰라 잘
– I didn’t mean that. I don’t know me.
너 없인 못 살아 나 술 없인 못 살아
– I can’t live without you. I can’t live without alcohol.
하늘이 돌아 돌아 turn, turn, turn, turn
– Sky turns back turn, turn, turn, turn






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