Kion Studio, Degans & Pure Negga – Mamá Spanish Lyrics English Translations

Navegando en un mar de dudas
– Sailing in a sea of doubts
Entre las paredes de tu habitación
– Between the walls of your room
Caminando al borde de la locura
– Walking on the edge of madness
Pensando en poner fin al sufrimiento y al dolor
– Thinking about ending suffering and pain
Pese a que todo iba mal fue de ayuda
– Even though everything was going wrong it was helpful
Ver que tus ojos no perdían la ilusión
– To see that your eyes did not lose the illusion
Que solo en ti encontraras la cura
– That only in you will you find the cure
Y aunque el dinero fue escaso nunca nos falto amor
– And although money was scarce we never lacked love

Y solo tu uuuuu
– And only your uuuuu
Eres el ángel que me cuida y me da luz
– You are the angel who cares for me and gives me light
Y solo tu uuuu
– And only your uuuu
Me trajiste a la vida y me diste tu juventud
– You brought me to life and gave me your youth
Y solo tu uuuuu
– And only your uuuuu
Eres el ángel que me cuida y me da luz
– You are the angel who cares for me and gives me light
Y solo tu uuuu
– And only your uuuu
Me trajiste a la vida y me diste tu juventud
– You brought me to life and gave me your youth

Eres pura como el fuego, dura como el acero
– You are pure as fire, hard as steel
De todo el mundo entero tu eres la única razón
– Of all the whole world you’re the only reason
Por quien vivo y por quien muero
– For whom I live and for whom I die
Quien me protege del miedo
– Who protects me from fear
Tu me enseñaste a sonreír ante cualquier situación
– You taught me to smile in any situation
Oh mama don’t cry
– Oh mama don’t cry
No te preocupes por mi que todo lo que soy y se es gracias a ti
– Don’t worry about me that all I am and I know is thanks to you
Oh mama don’t cry
– Oh mama don’t cry
No te preocupes por mi tu eres la flor mas bonita de mi jardín
– Don’t worry about me you’re the prettiest flower in my garden

Y solo tu uuuuu
– And only your uuuuu
Eres el ángel que me cuida y me da luz
– You are the angel who cares for me and gives me light
Y solo tu uuuu
– And only your uuuu
Me trajiste a la vida y me diste tu juventud
– You brought me to life and gave me your youth
Y solo tu uuuuu
– And only your uuuuu
Eres el ángel que me cuida y me da luz
– You are the angel who cares for me and gives me light
Y solo tu uuuu oooo
– And only your uuuu oooo

Ella es un ángel que no le teme a nada
– She is an angel who fears nothing
Destaca por amarse sin parar de reír
– Stands out for loving each other without stopping to laugh
Si la dulzura se quedara callada
– If sweetness were to remain silent
Su cara me daría las ganas de vivir
– Your face would make me want to live
Jamás le dije que era dueña de mi amor
– I never told her she owned my love.
Y si causarme dolor la vi marcharse en busca de un ruiseñor
– And if it caused me pain I saw her leave in search of a nightingale
Que con su canto se paraba el temor y las horas del reloj
– That with his song stood the fear and the hours of the clock
Mama mama don’t cry see me real feeling alive
– Mama mama don’t cry see me real feeling alive
Ooooo mama don’t cry
– Ooooo mama don’t cry

Y solo tu uuuuu
– And only your uuuuu
Eres el ángel que me cuida y me da luz
– You are the angel who cares for me and gives me light
Y solo tuuuuuu (solo tu, solo tu)
– And only tuuuuuu (only you, only you)
Solo, solo tuuuuuu
– Solo, solo tuuuuuu
Y solo tuuuuuu
– And just tuuuuuu
Eres el ángel que me cuida y me da luz
– You are the angel who cares for me and gives me light
Y solo tuuuuuu
– And just tuuuuuu
Eres el ángel que me cuida y me entrega su luz
– You are the angel who cares for me and gives me his light
– Whoo-hoo…

Y solo tu uuuu
– And only your uuuu
Me trajiste a la vida y me diste tu juventud
– You brought me to life and gave me your youth





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